Modify Built Structures and Prioritize Hauling

Started by mleather925, May 31, 2014, 09:51:44 PM

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I had a couple ideas that I didn't already see in the forum (though I may have just missed them in the 49 pages of suggestions!):

1. There may be other useful implementations of this feature, but I've really latched onto this one. I'd like to be able to add conduit to a tile that already has something on it (adding something else to a conduit tile would be useful, too). In the real world, I could drill a hole through a stone wall if I wanted to run electricity through it. Or I could run conduit along the side if I wanted to. Either way, I wouldn't deconstruct the wall and build a new one with conduit in it (or replace it with a metal wall, for that matter). Just like floors and objects can coexist in a single tile, it would be nice if there was a way for conduit to be added without wholesale rebuilding.

2. I would really love to prioritize the goods that my haulers are grabbing. Onesy-twosy is ok, but not really the most fun part of the game. The crafting mechanic where I can say to build up to X numbers of a thing would be useful if I could control that I want my haulers to grab me a certain amount of stuff. You could also include the prioritization of items in that menu, and you could set it up so that your haulers execute the current behavior when none of the bills in the hauling queue are valid.



I like the building modification idea. Perhaps new objects could be created such as "Stone wall w/ power conduit" and whenever your character builds a power conduit over a stone wall it just replaces the stone wall with the new "Stone wall w/ power conduit" object. In general I like the idea of building onto and modifying existing structures. I can envision things like adding on a tracker to your solar panels so that they follow the sun as it moves, or adding a table cloth to your table.