[Request] Tile-specific resources

Started by Lurmey, May 26, 2018, 08:43:52 AM

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So we have the world map, we have various resources like gold, plasteel, steel, components, jade etc and even more added by other mods. I like the idea in Civilization of having certain areas that are rich in a resource so you can fight over it with others. We already have certain tiles rich in some rock types and not others, so I think it's totally possible to do this.

I want a mod that leaves most of the world alone but adjusts the spawn rates of all the ores slightly to reduce the average amount that can be found in one map, and then sort of like in Factorio, sections of the world map will show large ore deposits spanning multiple tiles in a random oval-ish shape. Settling on one of those tiles makes that specific ore turn up much more frequently in the resulting colony map.

Even if it's impossible to fight over these ore deposits, because factions don't have borders in vanilla and they don't expand them (and we don't have multiplayer), I would still really like the idea of having a mining colony specifically for one ore instead of just settling on a random spot and mining the map clean.

With mods like RimRoads and Giddy Up!, having multiple colonies with caravans travelling between them is much easier to do.

Edit: Some resources could even be limited to certain biomes, if desired. Perhaps this should all be configurable with the mod settings.

Note: I'm not sure if the deep mining part of the vanilla game already does something like this or not. I haven't got that far in any of my colonies yet. :P


Awesome! How did I manage to miss this? Thank you, Mehni.