Table Bills

Started by Kranzius, June 28, 2018, 03:43:25 AM

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Please Tynan, let us copy and paste bills from tables and such stuff. Even better will be if we can "save" (extra file) Bills, because they are mostly the same in different playthroughs.   

Especially since the micromanagement is becoming harder.


That is already in. Not quite as good as the way Better Workbench Management does it, but close. Each bill has a copy icon near right side of name. Then each bill list has a paste icon in top right of bill window.


Oh. I see. I have always overseen that. My bad. Nothing to see here anymore. Go further and do important stuff. ;)

P.S. May be the general "save bill thingie" would be still a great improvement.


But it would be even better if we could save them to a file / text string, so we could have this stuff between games. Just like Factorio's ability to copy, paste, and share blueprints / blueprint-books. :)


To me, saving to an external file to load into new games is far more important than being able to transfer bills between benches in one game (though that is useful, too).

I would love to be able to export all of my crafting bills, cooking bills, drug policies, clothing policies and stockpile definitions to an external file.  Then, in a new game, when I create a stockpile or bench, I would be able to select "Load" and it would give me any applicable bills out of my external save file.  Same with policies.  It would save me a ton of tedium when starting a new game to be able to do this.


Quote from: Aerial on June 28, 2018, 10:14:22 AM
To me, saving to an external file to load into new games is far more important than being able to transfer bills between benches in one game (though that is useful, too).

I would love to be able to export all of my crafting bills, cooking bills, drug policies, clothing policies and stockpile definitions to an external file.  Then, in a new game, when I create a stockpile or bench, I would be able to select "Load" and it would give me any applicable bills out of my external save file.  Same with policies.  It would save me a ton of tedium when starting a new game to be able to do this.

If vanilla doesn't end up with this, I'd bet a modder would certainly look into it after full release. Actually, is that what JTExportbills or Jtcopybills or something like that was all about?? Not sure if that is up to date for B18 even but I the name certainly sticks in my head a bit.

I know there is already one in B18 for exporting stockpile settings, this seems somewhat similar. Think that is one of Kiame's mods, but not 100% on that.