[B19] "Ate Without Table" just after eating at a table

Started by ocelost, September 21, 2018, 11:29:53 PM

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This is Kat. Kat is upset because she thinks she ate without a table, just seconds after eating at the same table and stool where Erik is eating right now.

Note that the thought doesn't expire for 12 more hours, which (I think) means it was not from an earlier meal.

[Save File]

[attachment deleted due to age]


I never knew for sure but can the both eat at the table when his meal is sitting on it? Maybe she had to eat hers in her lap.
Toolboxifier - Soil Clarifier
I never got how pawns in the game could have such insanely bad reactions to such mundane things.
Then I came to the forums.


Unfortunately the savefile isnt available anymore, I've tried reproducing this issue by rebuilding your setup but couldn't reproduce it. Seems like it has been fixed already.

Anyways, thanks for reporting! ;)