overhaul beauty from environment

Started by Bobisme, August 30, 2018, 01:15:44 PM

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I think the jungle is beautiful, i also think that of every other environment, beauty in it's own way..

i think that pawns should have the beautiful environment buff until they have to enter the jungle etc, had to 'hack' through jungle -8 or what ever..
Had to trudge through desert -8
simplify it, in the jungle -8
in the desert -8
It's a beautiful environment(from a distance) +5, promotes path building.. it looks great until i have to hack my way through the bloody thing :P

basically if we don't bulldoze the world for footpaths and roadways, they think it is ugly..

the ugly environment debuff represents hostile environment, right?..

EDIT:  perhaps don't give the ugly environment debuff until they step on 'ugly environment' terrain? with a staggered debuff and residual effect.

(terrain being the key word)



Cheers :)
The author doesn't give much on what it does, you still get the debuff ugly environment on the odd occasion?

Think i'll give this one a try :)