Request/Idea ... Animals

Started by P_anders, July 08, 2014, 07:58:57 PM

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hi there

uhm ... there is something, i would appreciate to see in a new mod for rimworld, well, actually there are 2 things

1) Argain did a really good job with his "Colonists creation mod", where i can costumize max. 5 colonists at the start. as you all know, at the start of a new colony in the originaly colonist creator and in the Mod of Argain you can 3 until 5 Colonists "recruit" for your new colony. choosing a Name including
now ... i would love it if i can all colonists rename ... also every new colonist, who is became a new member by been captured. id would bee cool, if i can rename them too

i don't know, what the other Gamers in ths community are thinking, but i wished, there would be more differend Kind of animals an the map. i liked the antelope-mod, but it seems that there will be no mpore updates for it. there is also no update for the Sand lizard and i still wait for a update of the alpha muffalo mod.
well ... i would like to see more animal-species