Late game animal farm socials tab suggestion

Started by J.BEAR, October 03, 2018, 03:23:07 AM

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hi tynan hi mods
enjoying the game so damn much with mods... what a time sink!
i enjoy building a self-sustaining farm base late game with massive amounts of egg layers, cows/muffalos and hauling pigs.
one of the performance issues i have late game is the massive list of relationship entries in animals' socials tab ( especially for egg layers )
i have resorted to sell off all my breeding cobras, and carefully select breed my chickens before killing off all the males to reach desired population size. (but i'll have to do this for my chickens every 5-6 ingame years and buy from traders, to get a cleaner socials tab)
same thing is true for my milk muffalo and cows... massive list of dead offspring due to meat farming.

suggestion: animals ONLY keep record of bonded human and father + mother (to check against inbreeding)... i don't think that long list of sisters / cousins /relatives matter at all.. dead or not. The benefit for more late game performance and smaller save file out-weights those details massively.... (does anyone even check animals relationship tab at all? besides the game checking against inbreeding?)
another suggestion would be the game deletes dead offspring names off farm animals' socials tab every season or year

anyone else got better suggestions? or debate the level of realism sacrificed for cpu performance gained and smaller save file size ?


It might be nice to have a "clear relation history" button or feature (even debug) for things like this.