My game constantly crash, please, help me

Started by Rachty, January 26, 2019, 04:18:51 PM

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Please I need help. I'm desperate.
I've been wanting to play the game for a long time and it always hurts. Before I gave an error when I used "edb prepare carefully" and then at the start of any game. Now it happens when they raidean me but not always. I tried to start a game and put hundreds of enemies fighting each other with explosions and nothing, no fault. Instead now for example are my three tribals against three enemies and crashea. I do not know if it will be for the weapon "Rts weapon pack" or because the enemy is mounted on an alpaca "Giddy up" but in the debug log there is nothing wrong.

Unity Player [version: Unity 5.6.5f1_2cac56bf7bb6]

mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module mono.dll at 0033:1141e8ac.

Error occurred at 2019-01-26_201612.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld\RimWorldWin64.exe, run by Rachty.
58% memory in use.
8113 MB physical memory [3362 MB free].
12977 MB paging file [5907 MB free].
134217728 MB user address space [134210234 MB free].
Read from location ffffffff caused an access violation.

RDI: 0x0096bb44 RSI: 0x00000001 RAX: 0x1141e8a8
RBX: 0x00000000 RCX: 0x7cd83c60 RDX: 0x00000015
RIP: 0x1141e8ac RBP: 0x0096ba48 SegCs: 0x00000033
EFlags: 0x00010212 RSP: 0x0096b958 SegSs: 0x0000002b
R8: 0x00000001 R9: 0x00000001 R10: 0x29668938
R11: 0x0096b9e0 R12: 0x00000001 R13: 0x00000000
R14: 0x00000000 R15: 0x2a98b828

All my mods are about hair styles, clothes or unimportant things. None change the base, if you need the debug log write to me. Thanks in advance

Okay, I've tried to fight some tribes with vanilla arcs, against all the raiders who did not ride in any saddle and also crashed while they were fighting. I do not know which of my mods can be the problem

B19 mods are not the cause, there are only three and they are to add cleaning area, carpets and other nonsense. I already tried to uninstall them and keeps crashing the game


code injection into null method

possible to detect and fix, but installing 300 mods not worth effort.

Erin Parrish

With almost 200 mods I can promise you that it is, in fact, a mod doing it. You say that the mods add unimportant things but that's not the way modding works. If mod A tries to edit something that mod B tries to edit as well, it can create a conflict error. Sometimes the errors are resolved by load order (later mods take precedence over earlier mods in the list) but sometimes load order isn't enough and it causes a crash.

Since you have so many mods I would either enable or disable them in batches of 20 until the crashes stop happing. Once that happens, re-enable the last batch one by one (or in groups of five, you get the idea) until you figure out which one is causing the issue. From there you should be able to get an idea of which mod it is conflicting with based on what its supposed to change and decide which of the two you want.


A quicker way to figure it out is to disable HALF your mods.

Does it crash?  Disable another HALF your mods.

Does it not crash?  Disable the other half and try again (to make sure you crash).


It's might help to save every time, just to have mod lists ;p

It's unpleasant, but it is the easiest way...

Good luck!



easiest way is running game under debugger and instantly getting name of problematic method.
then running search over all assemblies and detecting one that performed faulty injection.

mono.dll with debugging enabled can be download in number of places
mono IDE also publicly available.

with all mods by hand and proper skill this can be done under 10 minutes (if taken in account 10 minutes of loading time with 300 mods)
at same time, installing 300 mods will take hours.