[1.3.3076] New lovers envelope recommends sharing a bed forbidden by ideology

Started by omsai, August 03, 2021, 01:06:55 PM

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New lovers in my ideology can't sleep before marriage [Ideology: Physical love: Spouse only (moderate)], but the envelope still tells me that they want to share a bed.  They can't share a bed until after they are married.  Maybe the envelope message needs to be updated for this edge case?

Attached is the ideology.  I can separately upload the game save if you need it: the lovers are Leira and Orange.  However, you won't be able to see the envelope in the game history tab because it was a while ago, and I didn't think to report it until now.  I looked through the XML and can't find the envelope message either.


I am not able to reproduce this and remember catching it in testing as well, if you have this save still to examine that would be useful, yes.  Thanks for the bug report!


Thanks for loading the save, though since they are already married it's not quite as useful.  I will try again to investigate this, using Ideology only though, to see if that makes the difference.