[1.3.3287] Refugee Betrayal

Started by Kimoshnikov, March 05, 2022, 01:15:55 PM

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Base + Royalty

This feels closer to a design oversight than a bug, didn't know a better place to post.

What happens/ed: Refugees invited to colony. 1 or 2 Refugees join Colony permanently. Other refugees commit 'betrayal' with flavor text "they had planned this from the start". The 1 or 2 refugees who joined Colony permanently remain on my side during the betrayal.

Expected: If the refugees who joined me had known about the betrayal that was planned from the start, why would they not inform my colony of the sudden but inevitable betrayal, acting as an informant? It seems silly that they would not. Otherwise, it stand to reason they would join the betrayal regardless (but that is pain)

Irrelevant side note: of the 6 refugee groups I've taken in, 4 have been betrayals. It almost makes more sense to just imprison refugees if you have the infrastructure for it ;)