Question about the story of the RimWorld universe

Started by stefanstr, August 26, 2014, 05:44:51 PM

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I couldn't find a definite answer to my question so maybe someone will know.

We know that humans have colonized the universe and we know there is no light-speed travel. We also know that there are terraforming robots preparing the worlds for human arrival. What we don't know (or I don't know...) is: are their alien life forms in the RimWorld universe?

In the biomes we have so far, the existing flora and fauna is mostly familiar and Earth-like. I wonder if this is by design (as in: all life in the universe has originated on Earth and has spread from there) or by accident (as in: you gotta start somewhere before you add more exotic life forms).

Anybody knows?


Answer here

Just read a few lines down and you'll find the answer
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
-Thomas Edison


Really short answer: No.
Short answer: Here.
Long answer: Here.