Game Preformance

Started by Fishirboy, November 24, 2014, 09:56:12 PM

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 I have grown my colony to contain around 40 units. My computer can not handle that pressure it seems because I can no longer run it on three times speed. The graphics have been lowered to the lowest state possible and yet the frame rate lags behind when confronted with this task even at two speed. My computer is only some what capable of handling this, is there some way that the performance can be optimised. If not the colony must be forgotten and the people left in a frozen state of movement until the computer can be upgraded or the game runs smoothly with such a large amount doing many different tasks. Is there a way to keep playing?

Mikhail Reign

The problems that you would be experiencing would be more because of your CPU then your graphics. This game is relatively light on the gpu, while it is the CPU that is responsible for path finding/intelligence of the pawns. Turning down the graphics won't do a while lot to improve performance. On the off chance that you are literally bumping the line, check out your task manager and see if there are any CPU intensive things running in the back ground while you are playing and shut them down. If you haven't don this before: bring up your task manager (ctrl+shift+esc) and order the processes list by CPU. If there is anything you recognise that is running near the top, end it or shut it down. Otherwise most likely you would need to upgrade your CPU/PC in general.


Rimworld is still in alpha stages, so expect it to be slow as it is relatively optimised, this will change with over time and over alphas.
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The times I've run into performance issues seem to involve pathing issues. For example, a large group of tribals spawn and wait, and the game's fine until they begin the attack.

That said, I haven't had many problems this current patch compared to older ones. Of course I could just be getting lucky with fewer tribals, etc.

Maybe pop open dev mode and look at the debugger when you run into lag and see if any problems are surfacing?

To get an idea of where your computer is bottlenecking, you could probably open up the task manager and look at the details tab.


In changelog on Nov 13 there is Pathfinding bugfixes and optimizations. I'm hoping it will be better in Alpha 8 :)


I've got a pc that makes full graphics Skyrim run smoothly.
Yet Rimworld is laggy when I hit 60 colonists. Trust me, graphics aren't the problem here.
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    Harlan Ellison

Goo Poni

Having zombie hordes attack brings my little laptop to its knees.


Quote from: Goo Poni on November 25, 2014, 08:30:27 AM
Having zombie hordes attack brings my little laptop to its knees.
o.0 Time to run.... lol thats alot of them. I also had the zombie mod in but it didnt work. it wouldnt spawn no zombies and when I went into dev mode and spawned it, the turrets and the people ignored it while it killed things lol had to manual target it to kill it.


I've had zombie hordes like that. Fortunately mod creator said he's going to cap number of zeds in wave with alpha 8 version.

Goo Poni

Quote from: H_D on November 25, 2014, 11:07:52 AM
I've had zombie hordes like that. Fortunately mod creator said he's going to cap number of zeds in wave with alpha 8 version.

Ah, good. I've been editing weapons and introducing more and more mods to counteract the 3-400+ zombie hordes. It takes like a week or more of gametime to cremate the bodies which will have rotted and thus depresses the hell out of anyone hauling them to the furnaces. I can't imagine what the base smells like now. An abattoir gone bad. It makes it kind of difficult to actually get anything meaningful done because I play with TTM, thus a lot of things need crafting but crafters will prioritise the crematoriums first. I might be able to make one or two useful things before the next batch of zombies cripple my laptop and bury the base in bodies for the next week. Using the Turret Collection mod, I have an ungodly amount of metal sunk into about 12 turrets, 4 of which are explosive cannons that can be manned and all turrets have about 100 range. The cannons help to trim down the body count by ensuring there are no bodies but the game still runs at like 1fps regardless of speed setting until most of the zombies are dead and only the stragglers are left.