No power cooler

Started by mokonasakura, July 20, 2015, 04:12:55 PM

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Looking for someone to mod in something to cool my colonists down that doesn't take power. I would like it to be realistic and be able to work with superior crafting. I am wanting to do a tribal play through but currently if a heat wave hits I have no possibility of survival.


I agree that there ought to be something. In Palm Springs I encountered "swamp coolers" that use the power of evaporation to remove heat from houses.

I've been contemplating a steampunk mod that completely eliminates electricity and would substitute belt driven machinery. Belt and gear driven compressors could also be used to create freezers.

Of course fashion would be affected as well. Steampunk has gotta include some neat clothes.

I'd sort of solve the lighting problem by adding an ore called "Glomium" that can be engineered into light bearing objects (a stun-type anti-personnel weapon as well)

Instead of a Geo-thermal generator there'd be a steam turbine style device that could drive any of the production tables currently requiring electricity though comms would require lasers powered by Glomium. In wall wiring could be replaced by gear and/or belt drives as well.


Quote from: mokonasakura on July 20, 2015, 04:12:55 PM
Looking for someone to mod in something to cool my colonists down that doesn't take power. I would like it to be realistic and be able to work with superior crafting. I am wanting to do a tribal play through but currently if a heat wave hits I have no possibility of survival.
I'd think of middle eastern, southern asian buildings that have been developed and perfected over thousands of years, they'd require "rebar sand" as minimum (sticks and stones with sand very heavily pressed) or ideally bricks/stone slabs of some  kind, they'd need to be rather high, use water and are very dependant on windspeed but also work if there's virtually no windspeed.

They're called Badgir, Malqaf and many other things depending on culture, in my language they're called Windfänger which would translate to wind catcher, imho there also should be two versions, one fugly and one aesthetic.

they also absolutely can not be built in a cave and together with a Qanat (underground waterway) they can be used for very efficient even non central cooling (i think)

Ways I see to realize this would be using passages for the cool air to spread or using a Qanat as a teleportating hammerspace device to get the coolness, these things were devised to work in the hottest environments cultivated and settled by mankind, they're also used to store food, water and ice as well depending on where, when and how they were built.


Malqaf are amazingly efficient, and can drop the temperature of the building by something like 20 degrees C (
The article explains how they work.
If you are wanting to go full steampunk, the geothermal generators could be steam catchers, and you could use the steam to cool at the other end.
(Steam under high pressure can cause a temperature drop if rapidly expanded, especially if you cause a phase transition)
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