Looking for ways to make seasons change faster

Started by Friedmutant, February 05, 2015, 01:41:30 AM

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My WIP mod implements some logic when seasons change.  I'm looking for ways to make those changes occur faster for testing.
The debug option, "fast ecology" I think it's called, isn't near fast enough.
I have some ideas, but don't know if they are possible:

  • reduce the number of ticks in a day
  • reduce the number of days in a month
  • directly set the month & day to arbitrary values
Any help will be much appreciated!


A simple way of doing it would be to set the starting month when starting a new colony.
You can then verify your object reacts correctly to the current season on spawn. :)

Modifying the seasonal system seems quite hard for now. :-\


Ouch.  That's rough.  Thanks for the suggestion though--it does solve half the problem: transitioning into a season.  But then there's a long time to wait for the next change.

Hmm...these GenDate.DaysPerMonth and the like are constants.  If I can find them in the binary, then I can change them.  I was really hoping for a secret XML file.  :P