What things mentioned in the kickstarter do you want to see the most in A10?

Started by BattleFalcon, February 05, 2015, 02:48:01 AM

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What of these do you want to see the most? (You get two votes BTW)

Beliefs and Religions
37 (32.5%)
57 (50%)
Historical Characters
15 (13.2%)
Faction Relations
55 (48.2%)
Storytelling Tools
13 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 114


NOTE: Yes I am aware that there is a thread in the suggestions forum for A9/A10 stuff. However, that thread seems like more of a general suggestion thread, where this one is meant as a "How should XY&Z work", and just to gather community input on what should be added next.

With A9 coming soon (Tynan has called for testers, so it should be soon), what are you looking forward to from the kickstarter page in A10? Heres a link to my edited version of the planned things on the kickstarter page http://imgur.com/VggArJn . It seems to me like the other archaeology stuff and more traits would be pretty simple to add, if not already added (I'm not sure if making traits have an effect now was the end of Tynan's plans, might have been.). With those gone it seems to me we could get either relationships next, or void gods next, with the storytelling getting finished up (Or it might already be, IDK, I'm not a tester). Which one do you want? (I'm personally hoping for relationships :D )
Look for Cassandra "Cassie" Ryan ingame! That's me!


I'd love to see more pve like water management and predator animals but going by that list, void gods 100%

I wanna sacrifice me some raiders! :)


Well, Tynan has been working on the 'Tale system' which ties into the storytelling tools, so that's definitely coming.
Moderator on discord.gg/rimworld come join us! We don't bite


Definitely interpersonal relationships, anything from friends, boyfriend / girlfriend, rivals, combat buddies, whatever. Would be interesting to see what could come out of it. Would also be fun if say, one colonist is very hateful towards a certain type of person based on race, creed, or whatever, and you would need to cope with that. Like a surgeon who has caring disabled towards tribal people, and will happily let one die, refusing to operate on them.
Why to people worry about following their heart? Its lodged in your chest, you won't accidentally leave it behind.


Its bad because reasons, and if you don't know the reasons, you are horrible. You cannot ask what the reasons are or else you doubt it. But the reasons are irrefutable. Logic.


I think with Religion if a colony gets big enough their could be multiple religions! Also that could relate a relationship system!


Relations - between colonists and between factions.

I'd like to see them moddable (at least, relationships between between colonists), as I do look at the game from a roleplaying aspect (aside from testing, I begin every game EdB's Prepare Carefully).

Faction relations could bring in interesting events, as well - colonies could request help from us; they could be chased through our territory by pirates or mechanoids, allowing us to help (I believe one of Minami's events had something similar happen, where a bounty hunter chased someone and, by helping the someone, they left silver as payment). Maybe even add an event where we can send colonists to help (it would send the colonists off the map, with a small amount of risk involved - death, injuries, etc.) for a significant boost in relations.
Quote from: Topper on August 31, 2015, 03:33:25 AM
is the sledgehammer compatible with the romance mod?
Only in Rimworld.


So, in Rimworld universe ships can't fly faster than light because it's physically impossible.. but we have gods. Am I the only one who sees a bit of contradiction here? Am I missing something? Maybe the word god in this context is used as a metaphor for a mighty, but not supernatural creature?

On topic: I think the faction relations and relationships between colonists are the most interesting features among these.

Fruit loops

The guy who suggested the mood debuff for harvesting prisoner organs.


Quote from: Dive on February 05, 2015, 09:04:11 PM
So, in Rimworld universe ships can't fly faster than light because it's physically impossible.. but we have gods. Am I the only one who sees a bit of contradiction here? Am I missing something? Maybe the word god in this context is used as a metaphor for a mighty, but not supernatural creature?

I don't know what Tynan means, but gods by definition are supernatural beings and might not be measurable, detectable or be limited by natural laws i.e. physics. 

However fast travel by mortals has no way to escape the laws of physics, and the speed of light -- at least so far as we know.


Quote from: Eleazar on February 05, 2015, 10:51:23 PM
Quote from: Dive on February 05, 2015, 09:04:11 PM
So, in Rimworld universe ships can't fly faster than light because it's physically impossible.. but we have gods. Am I the only one who sees a bit of contradiction here? Am I missing something? Maybe the word god in this context is used as a metaphor for a mighty, but not supernatural creature?

I don't know what Tynan means, but gods by definition are supernatural beings and might not be measurable, detectable or be limited by natural laws i.e. physics. 

However fast travel by mortals has no way to escape the laws of physics, and the speed of light -- at least so far as we know.

It sounded like Dive was prodding for a religious debate (whether it was intentionally meant to sound like that or not).
Thank you - sincerely - for not turning it into that. :)
Quote from: Topper on August 31, 2015, 03:33:25 AM
is the sledgehammer compatible with the romance mod?
Only in Rimworld.


Has it actually been said, in this world, ships cannot go faster than light?

It's physically impossible - so far as we know it today. We also used to think the world was flat. Also, warp drive, similar to how it's said to work in Star Trek is supposed to be mathematically and physically plausible given enough power to work with. Same for artificial wormholes.

What specifically would be storytelling tools?


Quote from: Dive on February 05, 2015, 09:04:11 PM
So, in Rimworld universe ships can't fly faster than light because it's physically impossible.. but we have gods. Am I the only one who sees a bit of contradiction here? Am I missing something? Maybe the word god in this context is used as a metaphor for a mighty, but not supernatural creature?

On topic: I think the faction relations and relationships between colonists are the most interesting features among these.

Well, you should know that I threw the phrase 'void gods' up there purely as an idea, with no more than a few seconds of thought about it. This list is just a set of thoughts - it's not 'canon' or anything until it's either in the game or at least the official backstory docs.

That said, I do think something resembling a 'void god' is more possible than FTL travel. It's already hypothesized that an AI singularity could quite quickly lead to the creation of intelligences that would appear godlike to humans. Lots of smart people including Bill Gates and Elon Musk see this as a distinct possibility that living people could experience. Such AI entities could think thoughts far beyond our comprehension and use technical methods of affecting the universe that we could not understand - and which would seem like magic. If the void gods ever make their way into the canon, this is what they'll be - transcendent machine intelligences who live essentially on another plane of existence because of their astronomical thinking power. We're talking about the kind of intelligence that will harvest all the matter in a solar system and use it to build a massive, millimeter-thick computer shell around the sun in order to use all the sun's energy to drive even more computations. They would be to us as we are to bacteria.

There isn't any physical principle prevent that in the real world, either - but there is one preventing FTL travel.

And really, the FTL thing is largely about making a universe that's distinct. So many other sci fi universes are basically the 19th century with boats replaced by spaceships. I love Star Trek and Star Wars too, but there's not much point in rehashing that sort of universe yet again. Let's get creative and say... what if?
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog



Interesting insight to say the least.

Religions and relationships it is!


I'll have to agree with religion and relationships after Tynan's post. Really wish we'd take an update to include a good amount of equipables like lights, backpacks, tools, etc but Tynan seems to be having more fun cranking out the fluff at the moment so we'll see what happens.
Ugh... I have SO MANY MESSES TO CLEAN UP. Oh also I slap people around who work on mods <3

"Back off man, I'm a scientist."
- Egon Stetmann



A little off topic, but on the sci-fi topic, here's some interesting real-life research:

Quantum particle entanglement happens by creation of a wormhole linking the particles:

Our Milky Way Galaxy could actually be a navigable wormhole.

This has some very interesting implications for FTL (or pseudo-FTL) travel.

On topic:
Like Ramsis, I would also love to see more practical equipables, like lights, backpacks, boots, etc.  Things related to various Colonist jobs, thoughts, etc.