Common sense mod

Started by Binkus, February 10, 2015, 03:50:37 AM

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The idea of the mod is to stop colonists running towards a large group of enemies to pick something up

it would stop pathing while in the enemy range or a set range eg 40

'excuse me while i pick up this rock, carry on'

i know you can draft them and put them out of the way, but if your cathedral of death is holding everyone back then things can go on as normal behind the walls and it woudl be nice to stop that crafty colonist thinking hey i will just put out that fire right infront of those centipedes or behind that turret (there is only so much you can dezone as home)



i tend to put non fighting personal inside the base and lock the door so they cant get out to where the fighting is
It may be working as intended, but
what was intended is not working.


This doesn't go in the unfinished section, just saying...
And for your issue, I'd probably just do what OldVamp is doing.


Quote from: apljee on February 10, 2015, 08:11:57 PM
This doesn't go in the unfinished section, just saying...
And for your issue, I'd probably just do what OldVamp is doing.

Then where exactly do mod requests go? Or are you just arbitrarily being an armchair moderator?


How does hiding in your base help if you need steal to rebuild turrets or other defense structures like walls or your very important power lines to power up your turrets? We all know that currently the AI mines steel then just leaves it out their in the open and only collects it on a need basis unless you stop ALL tasks and start hauling it in.

I do agree though people "could" lock their colonists in their base but i ask you, why should we have to? If you or i know their is a danger area then we stay away from it and go else where/another route.

Maybe something will come out of the Avoid Zone idea: which is the same as common sense i feel. If you set up an area that they can no goto then path finding ignores that area until it is removed.


Quote from: Giraffe on February 11, 2015, 01:47:02 AM
Quote from: apljee on February 10, 2015, 08:11:57 PM
This doesn't go in the unfinished section, just saying...
And for your issue, I'd probably just do what OldVamp is doing.

Then where exactly do mod requests go? Or are you just arbitrarily being an armchair moderator?

I thank you & Manwithnoname

others, i know you can lock doors and put them in there, but in everyday play when things must carry on, arrg an army of pirates.. ooh I simply must go in the the field and clean that blood up under a hail of gun fire


Quote from: Giraffe on February 11, 2015, 01:47:02 AM
Quote from: apljee on February 10, 2015, 08:11:57 PM
This doesn't go in the unfinished section, just saying...
And for your issue, I'd probably just do what OldVamp is doing.

Then where exactly do mod requests go? Or are you just arbitrarily being an armchair moderator?
Uh... Here? (scroll down, you'll see a LOT of mod requests)
Are you planning on doing this yourself? I know something this "big" would requiere quite a bit of coding, and i know Tynan will some day add a way to prevent this. If you think you can manage this, then, good luck!  ;)


Personaly i hate it when my cleaner goes to clean blood of a Animal i am hunting and gets shot for trying to follow the boar or deer with a cup to stop the blood flow lol.


Quote from: Giraffe on February 11, 2015, 01:47:02 AM
Quote from: apljee on February 10, 2015, 08:11:57 PM
This doesn't go in the unfinished section, just saying...
And for your issue, I'd probably just do what OldVamp is doing.

Then where exactly do mod requests go? Or are you just arbitrarily being an armchair moderator?

1. They go in the general "Mods" section, not the section for WIP and Unfinished mods.
2. You don't need to retaliate with so much anger. I was just pointing it out.


Hellor, just throwing some ideas :

if you don't want the colonist to wander you could make a nex zone designation like "secured zone" and have a button to trigger (alert button ?) and then colonist would be binded inside the zone ? Or it could be inside home zone ?


Can you actually change the pawn AI with what you can do in modding?

Giving pawns context, would be an enormous undertaking.  And what direction would you split, the given hands off simulation of rimward, verse direct player agency?

Master Bucketsmith

If someone is going to make this, please give them common sense in all situations. Like not extinguishing a fire from the middle.
Or trying to go into an extremely hot room to extinguish a fire and pass out as soon as they enter. And then others will try and rescue them, endless loop.
Or.. Well, I can list many things.

My point is that the AI needs a lot of work in general, it's not specific situations that are an issue.


Common sense is a reaaaaally hard problem for computers and AI in general, not just this game :)

You could probably handle some specific situations like "don't get within rifle range of an enemy if you're just hauling", but most of it probably won't be possible unless you had access to the full source code.