Suggestion List (New Faction, Mechanic, Traits, Items)

Started by Zachri, February 12, 2015, 12:20:17 AM

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New Faction: Space soldiers? (Go name them yourselves lol)
- Raids with few people
- Highly armed and fully armored
- Seldom pass by
- majority should have the trait: prostophile
- majority also have bionic parts installed
- When they raid, they only arrive through Drop pods (since they're all high tech and stuff let them arrive in an orderly fashion xD)
weapons consist mainly of: (From a Scale of :Most Have, to a possibility of carrying)
   *R4 charge rifles
   *T9 incediary launchers
   *M-24 sniper rifles
  also they are in Full Body Power Armor
- incase accidents happen to visitors and they become "in-shock"/"incapacitated" add the Rescue option instead of arrest
- rescued visitors will still be counted as prisoners
- rescued visitors when they're no longer incapacitated should be given the option to