Community Ideas on: Research, Raiders, Construction and Items

Started by SpecOpSniper, November 13, 2013, 03:32:27 PM

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   There is an immense amount of content to read on the forums on ideas, and I just don't have the time to find all of my idea's and see if someone has already suggested them, so I am going to write them out right now.

   Research: Through research or from normal Building, Ceiling Lights.... I hate looking at ugly floor lamps and the cords to them... When I am enjoying a late game building where I am assaulted by 25+ raiding on Randy Random... I do not like to look at ugly floor lamps... so maybe add in a research that includes Ceiling Lights, maybe with that make lights require like 20% less watts with efficient bulbs...

   Next, Carpets: So far there is a research for carpets... I believe to give your scientist more to do... the research should be split into Carpet's and one for Flooring.... so you need to research Metal Tiles, concrete and those... the only thing you get form the start is Smooth Stone... Scientists become worthless far too quickly....

  Last, Specialties: just like Pneumatic Picks, instead of a 20% increase... cut the research time form 3000 to 2000, make it 10% and make it research like 3-4 levels... then make the same for Construction, Repairing, Farming/Cutting, maybe even a Firefighting research to fight those nasty forest fires faster.

   Raiders: Less of just a constant threat to be Eliminated, then build.... eliminate pirates and rebuild colony... over and over... How about smaller raids with no real staging time, then every so often raiders land and spawn a small building or "Fort/Shuttle" in which they spawn waves of raiders... forcing you to make a strike team and destroy something like a flag that causes the spawns. Make it less pure tower defense, more of Defense and Assault. (Make building out of material player cant interact with, so you have to blow it up) This helps with weapons as well... because in my experience, R-4 Rifle and M 24 is all I use... make me assault a compound and rocket launchers or grenades might actually be useful.

   Rather than spawning a ton in one spot and waiting for assault, spawn 1/2 the amount, but 2 or 3x as often without a wait time and weaker (60/100hp)

   Construction: Need an Item list that is purely Aesthetic... When i get to Day 68 Randy Random, with over 20 colonists, I want their rooms to be AMAZING... they have luxurious 5x6 rooms.... with nothing to truly decorate... I normal have a Light, Bed, Plant, and Chair and in wardens room a Weapon Rack... but making items like a 1x1 table (nightstand), maybe a second or third type of plant for variety (Mini Cactus, Potato plant that you cant harvest, Agave plant, etc.) Fish tank (where do fish come from? who cares...) maybe a little dancing light, like a mini lightning bolt in a box or circle that flickers.... all of this under a separate tab just for Aesthetic Players.

   Also, Walls: I think there should be an expensive Wired version of the wall... and inexpensive non-wired version... sometimes when i build a nice base, I have to fill some holes in walls and when I do... I have to fill it with wired walls and unfortunately sometimes they short and break inside, and with no way to fix them they sometimes short out multiple times and break apart... leaving holes randomly in my base. makes my base look terrible.

   Last, Cages: Giblet cages for dead bodies is nice... I think another cage for living prisoners.... Maybe 2x2 or a 1x1 giblet cage that is more see-through... would be exceptional. Make it do under the tab where prisoners cant be Beaten, executed, or what ever; there needs to be one for Caged, which makes the warden put him in a cage... maybe canceling feedings and sleep and the prisoner goes just a little insane, but leave him in there too long and hell become stark mad, or just die from lack of sleep and/or food. but taking him out at the right time (imminent or critical mental state) and you can convert him faster... Or do it for the sadistic fun...

   Items: Weapons on the ground in a fire should Explode... If they are loaded and have all that gunpowder... if you can have it shoot a certain amount, say 20 rounds in random directions... all the better. But specifically things like Molotov and Frag grenades in fires should Blow up... I am not certain if they really do this or not... I have had an armory or 2 burn down and nothing terrible happen and I believe some weapons burned in it... But just in general the weapons should blow

   Yes, as you can tell many of my ideas and Aesthetic... because I believe a game in which you build a colony, can't always be just about productivity... You need to be able to have a little fun with it... make dungeons with prisoners surrounded by giblet cages... or better yet allow a more see-through giblet cage version for living prisoners.... These things can add status effects but more importantly, it adds more depth to a game that, for all intent and purpose, is an un-winnable repetitive game... And one I have Spent over 50 hours on already.

                               Catch me on twitch @ where I stream Rimworld on M/T/W/F 5am to 11am, 7pm to 11pm (approx)


   Also, Weapons: Possibly make a resource for Ammunition... Not per weapon but in the top left... Whenever a weapon is fired, and maybe Molotov and frags take 2 "ammo" per throw, your ammo goes down... then when you get weapons and put them into a rack for the first time, you gain a certain amount of ammo... Or random ammo drops and eventually you get to Combat Suppliers and sell weapons to them to buy ammo... Since near-end game they become useless other than to fence your weapons. This would allow Ammo into the game without micro-management of ammo for each individual weapon.

   Also maybe some sort of Forge, Melt down weapons for metal at an expensive rate (not money but weapon cost -20%, avg metal cost +20%, conversion). so say R-4 Rifle is $1300, avg Metal is $10 (20 expensive) but we will say 130 metal for $1300. you can melt an R-4 Rifle for (-20%cost, +20% expense) approx 78 metal... You get deducted massively... but you do not have to buy and sell multiple traders just for metal. This can work the same for emergency ammunition. whatever a balance ammunition would be and same conversion.