[1.0/1.1/1.2] Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering 2.42 (27.08.2020)

Started by Ykara, February 19, 2015, 05:14:28 PM

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Do you like the changes in Version 2.0?

459 (83.3%)
Not all of them
72 (13.1%)
Not at all (please explain why!)
20 (3.6%)

Total Members Voted: 551


Hello there!
There is a typo (but i don't know if it intended... because html code), in the name of the mod in the "About" .XML file in version 1.83 (& for and).
That typo makes it imcompatible with miniaturization overloaded xD
Edit: Well not incompatible... just miniaturization doesn't work ;p


Hello Community!
This is my first post, so off-topic it's a great game, played for months now, many thanks to devs.
I study bionics at my uni, so this is my number one mod to have and I have a great idea (not so sure it can be implemented), the thing is: with brain surgery and chips, we can improve the pawns, but say why not downgrade them? If somebody familiar with warhammer 40k I'm pointing towards servitors (for those who not: they are vatgrown/convicts lobotomized and reprogrammed for a single task/simple tasks). No more pesky 99% difficulty prisoners... Install ports into their brain, craft doctrina wafers (agriculture,haul/build, combat), install, profit (though, I'd limit the wafers to one per pawn. I'm somewhat familiar with programming so I can write the parts and the skill penalties/improvements but for the love of god I can't change faction with installing the ports. Maybe somebody can point out the obvious? Also feedback would be welcome.

Cheers, Cthonia


Quote from: Cthonia on November 06, 2016, 05:53:04 AM
I'm somewhat familiar with programming so I can write the parts and the skill penalties/improvements but for the love of god I can't change faction with installing the ports.

You can do this by adding something like
to your surgery/medical RecipeDef, then make the class Recipe_ImplantLobotomize : Recipe_MedicalOperation and do your faction changing in the ApplyOnPawn method.
An example where workerClass is used in vanilla for surgery is the RecipeDef for RemoveMechanoidBodyPart and the workerClass Recipe_RemoveBodyPart.

You should ask for modding help in Mods > Help though.


Thanks, I'll try that. Yes, maybe I should have asked in the modding topic, but I want to build on EPOE and made an extension to it. So I asked here.



"Are the new graft rejection and prostheses accustoming systems good additions?"

I voted 'no', though you may consider it a yes. TBH I was missing a third option?
If it were to be integrated into the mod, I'd definitely say no, but if it was optional (it is, as far as I know), well, I can see why people could enjoy it, and since it would not affect those who do not want it, there's no reason to say no, right?

...yep, I should've voted 'yes'. Sorry.


I haven't read through these 100 pages to see if this is an issue, but for some reason after I preform surgery (to add/replace parts) the person is permanently downed? After they are under anesthetics, they just lay there. I can't get them to walk. Help?


Vanilla bug it seems.

Just have another colonist punch the blocked one and he will get up. Seriously

Imperator Sylvor

Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a list of the different prosthetics, organs, etc. and what they do?
I couldn't find the effects of the body modifications in the mod files.


You can find what effects are applied by which bodyparts in the files in this folder : "\Defs\HediffDefs\"

Imperator Sylvor

Quote from: kaptain_kavern on November 09, 2016, 03:15:19 PM
You can find what effects are applied by which bodyparts in the files in this folder : "\Defs\HediffDefs\"

Found it, thanks!


I am sorry if this has already been mentioned, but it seems like a fringe case and I unfortunately do not have the time to check the 100 pages.

I have been using EPOE and Crashlanding on my Modded colonies, and over time I have seen  that Crashlanding occasionally spawns art galleries, which usually have sculptures made of vancidium. These sculptures can be deconstructed to yield a very large amount of vancidium (due to the x20 required for sculptures). This results what I assume is greatly unbalanced gameplay, as the vancidium is plundered for free and your colony wealth goes through the roof.

Unfortunately I do not have any proposition to stop this, except maybe allowing fewer vancidium sculptures to spawn. I'll also try to post this on the Crashlanding forum. Thank you for your time!


So im using this along with GlitterTech, and since both have Advanced Bionic Arms, I decided to change the Glittertech ones. I changed the labels in body part and things def, the colonists with them installed have the correct description, and everything. However, I have to spares, and when i tried to install them on someone I couldn't find the option. Please send help, You're my only hope.


Quote from: Admirer on December 07, 2016, 02:56:32 PM
So im using this along with GlitterTech, and since both have Advanced Bionic Arms, I decided to change the Glittertech ones. I changed the labels in body part and things def, the colonists with them installed have the correct description, and everything. However, I have to spares, and when i tried to install them on someone I couldn't find the option. Please send help, You're my only hope.
changed the name ? need to fix it in the sergerys deff and pawn humelke


So one of my colonists lost an arm. Steel arms aren't fun, so I was delighted to see an arm come up from a pirate trader some time down the line.

Except now I have a new problem: the option to install the arm doesn't come up in the surgery drop-down menu. I've looked up and down it several times and can confirm that the thing is indeed in my stockpile ect.

I've got one other mod that affects surgery, the Realistic Medical System mod, but to my knowledge these two mods don't conflict at all.

Am I missing something or is this a bug of some variety?