Rescued someone and now i got a freeloader

Started by Captain Sho, February 20, 2015, 03:07:33 AM

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Captain Sho

So i don't this to be a bug maybe just more of an oversight but it seems you can not operate on "guests".
While yes it would be rude to do so, if you rescue someone missing a leg they just hog up a medical bed.
You are unable to strap a log to their stump and send them on their way.


You can. But You need 3 things: medicine, a wood log and a doctor. Also remember to set allow medicine on the prisoner.


Guest...not prisoner...its probably an oversight by Tynan, or i could be wrong. Havent got into a full game of A9 yet.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
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Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Tynan as an idea would it be possible for the guest if they are in need of surgury to specify what they want. Jamming a pegleg on a guy that would like simple presthesis would result in not as much rep gain, sticking a bionic on him would result in more. Could be the start of a needs system of sorts. Just throwing it out there.
Skullywag modded to death.
I'd never met an iterator I liked....until Zhentar saved me.
Why Unity5, WHY do you forsake me?


Quote from: skullywag on February 20, 2015, 04:13:47 AM
Tynan as an idea would it be possible for the guest if they are in need of surgury to specify what they want. Jamming a pegleg on a guy that would like simple presthesis would result in not as much rep gain, sticking a bionic on him would result in more. Could be the start of a needs system of sorts. Just throwing it out there.

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Quote from: skullywag on February 20, 2015, 04:13:47 AM
Tynan as an idea would it be possible for the guest if they are in need of surgury to specify what they want. Jamming a pegleg on a guy that would like simple presthesis would result in not as much rep gain, sticking a bionic on him would result in more. Could be the start of a needs system of sorts. Just throwing it out there.

This would be cool.

Would also be sort of cool if these stats retained. So for example if you went around giving your "allies" men bionic arms and legs and eyes when they got injured on your land and then you go to war with them, you theoretically are the reason for your enemy being more fierce because you provided the upgrades.

Although, I rarely ever have guests need to get rescued. I rarely have guests and their enemies around at the same time, unless I try to force a battle for loot.


Also, what if the 'guest' was a prostophobe/phile? A bionic leg should give less/more bonus, respectively.
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Darth Fool

You can always use them as raider bait.  Put a sleeping spot outside and delete their old one.  Re-rescue them to the new bed.  Now when raids come, they will see your sacrifice and try to take them hostage and flee.  Your choice of what to do when they flee, do you save your raider-bait or say good-bye.


Quote from: Darth Fool on February 23, 2015, 10:58:35 PM
You can always use them as raider bait.  Put a sleeping spot outside and delete their old one.  Re-rescue them to the new bed.  Now when raids come, they will see your sacrifice and try to take them hostage and flee.  Your choice of what to do when they flee, do you save your raider-bait or say good-bye.
That's so evil... but genius. Two birds with one stone.
Though, that doesn't solve the "unable to rescue properly" problem, but it does solve the raider/freeloader problems.