Show operation stat changes BEFORE performing them

Started by tommytom, February 25, 2015, 08:57:58 PM

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For instance:

I have a person with a foot blown clean off.

Without scouring the wiki/forum/web, I have no idea if giving him a peg leg will make his "moving" worse, better, or exactly the same.

I'd like to see what the operations will do, like harvesting/amputating a lung would show -50% breathing. Giving a peg leg will show WTH that does with someone with a missing foot (like if it's -30% from 100%, it would show -30% moving with 0% in parenthesis to show it doesn't help).

Same goes for bionics. It's pretty straight-forward with those, but it would be nice to know all these things without experimenting or reading things out of game. Makes a lot of guesswork or breaking immersion doing research out of the game.


The peg leg is kind of a special case I think, because it's not represented by an item in the game. You can check bionics, simple prosthetics etc. to see their effect expressed as a percentage. Becase a peg leg is just a piece of wood, you can't do that.
I believe one peg leg sets movement to 60% if the colonist had a move speed of 100% before.


Quote from: cultist on February 25, 2015, 09:05:10 PM
The peg leg is kind of a special case I think, because it's not represented by an item in the game. You can check bionics, simple prosthetics etc. to see their effect expressed as a percentage. Becase a peg leg is just a piece of wood, you can't do that.
I believe one peg leg sets movement to 60% if the colonist had a move speed of 100% before.
Where? I only remember seeing them say "bionic leg", etc when an item, or the increase AFTER it was installed on someone (anyone, even if not your guy).
Edit: Oh, I think you mean the info screen after selecting an item. Still, I'd like to see it in the operation screen so you know what you are getting without scouring for the info.


Yeah, I meant the info screen on the item. You can't do that with wood. Well, you can but it doesn't show that stat.
I guess this is really down to personal preference. I don't think the game should always make the best possible choice clearly visible to you. I like having to learn some things for myself.
As a side note, I don't use peg legs unless the colonist has lost a limb (and only in the early game). I think losing a foot is almost just as bad as losing the entire leg, but I could be wrong.