Disasters more weathers

Started by Zentrend, February 26, 2015, 03:12:01 AM

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I am not completely used in Rimworld mods so this could have already been done.  :D But here it goes.

Tornadoes - Comes around Summer to Fall times. Much more common in the equator areas. It comes around once per year and it destroys small trees and weeds. It also leaves debris which affect beauty. Lastly it can destroy roofless structures, random walls, and roads.

Super Typhoon - The screen turns completely white and you can just hear wind. Similar to the tornado but lasts longer. But Super Typhoon brings Flood. Super Typhoon comes around once in every 3 years. More common near equator areas.

Flood - A natural disaster that can happen during rains, thunderstorms and Super Typhoons. Flood occurs if there is a lot of ponds and sea. Rarely happens in a cold region. Often in rainy seasons and less in mountainous regions. Flood also spawn debris and destroy small trees.

Hail - Exclusive for only the cold regions. Hail only occurs in winter. It can actually hurt your colonists outside. It does not last long but it leaves ice chunk that is not removable for a few days.

Meteors - A huge mine-able rock that falls from the sky that can cause fire in its wake. It could be as big as 3x3 to 6x6 depends on the size of the map or the amount of rocks in the map. It is a good way to gather rocks and ores without drying up all the mountains. It could drop some ores. And it cause a small amount of debris. It could happen around 1-5 times a year.

Ice Chunk - A huge Chunk of Ice falls from the sky. It can occur only in winter and in cold regions. Ice chunk cannot be removed for a few days and will naturally melt overtime. It gives a nice beauty attraction but when touched gives off a chill in the mental threshold.

Earthquake - Rocks will be scattered in an area and debris will be spawned. Sometimes ores can be found in the area but can sometimes destroy buildings underneath mountains.

Steam Explosion - A natural Steam Geyser will be spawned in the map but will cause a lot of debris to be scattered around it.

Debris - Some sort of rocks or destroyed items that could spawn naturally. It gives off a real bad eye sore.

Tsunamis - A strong flood that could wash small trees and destroy small structures. After the tsunami it will spawn debris. And in your current farm (Not the whole farm) will spawn fertile soil.

Enraged Beasts - This could happen very rarely. Nearly all the animals in the region will start fighting each other until no animal is left. But when colonists start to interfere you will be attacked. This event stops when one animal eats the other animal. Or when an herbivore eats a fruit. Herbivores will not eat other animals but they will be hunted by carnivores. They will still attack your colonists if you attack them though.

Migration - A herd of -Animals- have migrated to your region. You will get the bonus happiness Animal Lover to one of your colonists that will raise their mental threshold if they see an animal.

I hope I contribute ideas to the game and also I apologize if this is already done by any kind of mod. I will try to add more if my brain wants to but for now this is all I got.  :)