
Started by water, February 24, 2015, 08:41:53 PM

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So I'm playing on a large map and an alien spaceship part landed on the far side of it. My usual way of dealing with these is to build a solar panel and 4 turrets around it. When its all completed I tell them to focus fire on the ship part. This usually requires a mining operation somewhere near the crashsite, 2 colonists, and a few days of work.

I really like in A9 that I can tell my colonists to eat, so they can be full before they depart on their expedition. Is there any way for me to tell them to hold a meal like the pirates or neutral factions do? That way I could designate a few sleeping spots and build a campfire near the operation and they could spend a few days out there without making the long trip home.

Actually, I think this would be a good mod for somebody who has the know-how. It could include craft-able items like a backpack and sleeping bags. It would allow colonists to move farther away from the base and do actual work. It would also be nice if you could designate stockpiles to only be hauled to be certain colonists. You could combine this to make a sort-of campsite (sleeping spots, campfire, backpacks with meals) and go on a hunting trip. Killing more than one animal and storing them in the zone near the campsite.

Also, kind of related, I think the campfire should not provide heat in the way other things do. It should provide a mood effect, "by the fire", that cancels out the "cold" effect if a colonist is close to it.

Sorry for the ramble, I've been drinking.


I've also often found myself jealous of those advanced technologies that somehow allow even tribals to carry a meal with them, while my colonists starve to death if they move too far from the designated eating zone... I'm hoping colonists will eventually be able to carry a single meal somehow. It doesn't really seem fair that everyone in the game but my colonists have that option.


Maybe we should just give our pawns lunchboxes to take with them :D


You could set up a small stockpile near the spaceship, set it to a higher priority then your other ones and then give each of your pawns the mission of hauling meals to that tiny stockpile (you can stack 10 units of meals per square so plan accordingly).

Then when they get there reset the stockpile priority to equal to your other meal stores so that you don't get random pawns traveling across the map to haul food.


Do the same thing for Iron if you have the resources. And a few medical supplies. You never know...

Also: Yes please for an extra inventory slot.


I think this'll be a necessity, if larger maps are ever stabilized - especially for those colonists who move slowly for any number of reasons.
Quote from: Topper on August 31, 2015, 03:33:25 AM
is the sledgehammer compatible with the romance mod?
Only in Rimworld.