More complex food and worth while ingredients

Started by erdrik, March 06, 2015, 11:18:27 PM

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Currently I have no reason beyond mood bonus to cook anything other than simple meals.
I also don't think it makes much sense for a lavish meal to have more nutrient value than a fine or simple meal.
Lavish as a term leads me to think of quality not quantity.

So my thought is to have the nutrient values of meals to be modified by the ingredients:
Base value of meal +/- ingredient modifiers

Also I think it would be cool if ingredients have secondary effects, like oranges being helpful to prevent scurvy for example.
Secondary effect ideas:
Helps prevent infection
Helps prevent minor sickness
Helps heal injury, only during a 'rest and heal' state and only on injuries that are already bandaged/not bleeding
Slows hunger
Reduced chance of food poisoning

It could also have negative effects:
Increases chance of infection
Increases chance of sickness
Slows the healing of injury, only during a 'rest and heal' state and only on injuries that are already bandaged/not bleeding
Speeds hunger
Increased chance of food poisoning


The nutrient value doesn't really matter, It will always fill up the hunger bar.
About those other ideas, not sure.


Umm ok.
If nutrient value is meaningless, then it only reinforces the fact I don't need to cook anything beyond simple meals.
You have just provided me with more reason for me to want the suggestion.  ???