Two quick suggestion; Delete game data, Random start

Started by Bargeral, February 28, 2015, 05:46:33 PM

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Two quick suggestions:

Delete game data:
Since the game data is hidden in a .something folder (windows) it would be nice to have a "delete all game data" button, maybe hidden in the options screen, for clean installs of the new version.

Random start:
Going and creating the perfect world, then the picking a site and mulling over your three start players is cool, but sometimes just getting in and taking on the challenge of a map you might not have picked for yourself is cool fun way to play. I'm not sure I want to randomize the storyteller, but that might be good too. I'm thinking one click form the start menu and you are playing kind of thing.

Bonus third idea, since I'm here:
Maybe also be a random challenge mode. Keep these 20 survivors alive for five years without any recruitment. Establish a viable colony with regular trade and children. Keep the hordes at bay. That kind of thing.


The last one, kinda stupid seeing as part of the game is losing or gaining colonists, it would make the game kinda annoying, and its way to easy to lose a colonist right now.