Planetary Anomalies

Started by theSovietConnection, November 14, 2013, 12:30:42 AM

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I'm not sure if this has been suggested, I did a quick search of the forums and couldn't find anything.

I'd like to see a system where sometimes your world will be host to an anomaly of sorts, that can effect events in the game. I came up with a few examples of what I mean by anomalies.

Pirate/Mercenary Prison: A band of pirates/mercenaries has secretly been using this uncharted world to house a prison. Watch for prison escapes, along with their jailers.
Effect: Periodic prison break events (this is a prison run by a gang, they aren't likely to be maintaining it very well) which cause an increase in either passers-by or raids by either prisoners or the jailers. Perhaps include a chance that the jailers will be passing through looking for the escaped prisoners and demand the return of any you might have recruited.

Kessler Syndrome: At some point, this planet was the site of a massive space battle. Dozens of shipwrecks orbit the planet, colliding with one another and making orbit of the planet a dangerous prospect at the best of times.
Effect: An increase in cargo falling from the sky, but few traders would be willing to risk getting close enough to the planet to drop products/slaves. Could also include a chance for a Debris Storm, a period during which debris falls from the sky, potentially starting small fires.

Planetary Storms: This planet is constantly wracked by storms, both rain and dry. The sunlight rarely reaches the surface.
Effect: Borderline constant storms/cloudy days. Solar power is much harder to produce and it is extremely difficult to farm outdoors. Lightning poses a significant threat. Could include Hail Storm, which would damage outdoor plants, and potentially puncture thin metal roofing (only include the last effect if we're ever given control over roofing style).

Subterranean Worms: This planet is host to a species of massive worm that makes it's home underground and in the mountains.
Effect: Potential for random collapse in underground structures as worms burrow nearby. Could include event Worm Horde, a period during which worm activity and the chance for collapses is increased.

Those are some of my ideas for this. Would love feedback on the ideas, as well as any ideas people might have for other potential anomalies the planet could be host to.


I like the idea, though it should be a feature where you can check boxes with which ones you want if you want greater challenge. Maybe another box for "random anomalies" if you want a random assortment. Seems unfair if you spawn a world that gets you screwed over by having a bunch of bad anomalies (unless you want it that way)


Quote from: lt_halle on November 14, 2013, 02:05:12 AM
I like the idea, though it should be a feature where you can check boxes with which ones you want if you want greater challenge. Maybe another box for "random anomalies" if you want a random assortment. Seems unfair if you spawn a world that gets you screwed over by having a bunch of bad anomalies (unless you want it that way)

I was thinking more a planet can spawn only one anomaly at a time, unless Tynan believes the game could support having mutliple at once. I also do like your idea, there should be an option where you can check whether you want an anomaly on the planet or not.


One anomaly per game would give a nice twist to every game. But having it like that, I would much rather see anomalies that are neither bad or good (boost one area for nerfing another or adding some rule flat across the board for both player and enemies).


Great idea. This adds plenty of variation to each world and makes players obligated to switch up tactics instead of relying on the same strategies each time.


Quote from: Galileus on November 14, 2013, 03:54:24 PM
One anomaly per game would give a nice twist to every game. But having it like that, I would much rather see anomalies that are neither bad or good (boost one area for nerfing another or adding some rule flat across the board for both player and enemies).

Hmm, with the Planetary Storm, you could add in that the amount of rain boosts water available, if water ever becomes a resource. Maybe even implement a possible technology that allows the colonists to gather power from the lightning in place of solar arrays, some kind of lightning rod idea.

With the Subterranean Worms, maybe the presence of the worms makes the soil more fertile, increasing food output from outdoor farms.


Good way of thinking :)

If I can suggest more - unique situations would greatly improve the overall quality of these anomalies. While some +/- buffing and nerfing here and there is good, the meat of this idea lies in a chance to expose player to totally new, weird phenomenons. Let me try something on top of my mind:

Psyionic Storms - Some of the storms on these planet follow a very precise patterns and in result emit some sort of transmission aimed at living being. While local fauna seems to have adapted to that kind of influence, there is no telling how humans exposed for too long to such radiation would react.
Effect - "Psionic Storm" event. Every human that is caught outside of air-tight room during such storm gets reeeeal scared quick and must pass insanity check after a certain period of time.
Gameplay - Necessity of building shelters and bunkers everywhere our colonists may want to go. Flat change across the ruleset - while it will be negative in most cases, it can wipe out any amount of raiders if happens during their staging period. Can be very interesting to see it during an assault - boy oh boy, can you imagine these raiders slowly going crazy, while banging at your door?

Artificial Rotation Period - the planet seems to be forced out of it's natural rotation and somehow forced to rotate on schedule. While we can suspect some kind of highly advanced mechanical device, it's role unknown as is it's state - some of us believe the device is old and doesn't function properly, and current situation was not planned. This artificial state seems to have fatal consequences in floral life unnatural for this planet.
Effect - day/night cycle is not linear, but instead oscillates between 2h long days and 22h long days. Only open-air farming - no hydroponics tables.
Gameplay - this one doesn't add as much in terms of gameplay as the last one, but still shakes things up quite a bit. Player would be forced to store food and energy during long days to survive the short days (winter is coming! XD). Player starts in long-day period so that he gets easier start (massive starting energy and food bonus) and time to prepare. May even add a happiness nerf during long days ("Bright nights") and/or fear during short days ("Never-ending nights")


This would be a nice feature.

1 planet to add
A hot planet: Not good with names. Just a place close to a sun. 
Effect: Fires are faster and it almost never rains. There's heat waves that make shooting harder to aim and turrets have less range or can't see targets at all if out side. Plus side of the planet is more steam holes.


Quote from: Workload on November 14, 2013, 07:27:43 PM
There's heat waves that make shooting harder to aim and turrets have less range or can't see targets at all if out side.

This one actually gives me another idea.

Unstable Giant: The gas giant which the moon orbits is incredibly volatile, prone to ejecting the gas from it's atmosphere into space. Turrets are essentially nonfuctional outdoors.
Effect: Turrets in non-enclosed exterior locations cannot aim due to the gases the giant has thrown into the moon's atmosphere.
Event: Noxious Eruption: The giant has begun erupting gases into the moon's atmosphere. All colonists must stay indoors and may only venture outdoors while wearing proper safety gear (This applies to raiders, too. All raiders outside during the eruption will be killed or critically poisoned. No raider attacks for at least 2 days following the eruption).


How about an acidic environment.

All bodies of water (if they are implemented) are toxic to drink and cause damage to anything and anyone in them. Acid rain falls, causing faster wear on exposed construction and minor damage to people in the rain. It also damaged crops. Water must be purified to be drank.

The trade off is that rock is more brittle. Mining goes faster, however roofs cannot be supported as far from rock as they can be from built walls. Perhaps steam vents can be more common (implying that there's perhaps volcanic activity underground, causing the acidity as well as the increased steam).

Another one is: Arid environment
There's no mountains at the side of the map, and very few rock outcroppings around. Almost no steam vents, if any. There will be no natural water sources, and very few locations with fertile ground (but they do still need to exist, lest it be impossible to survive on that map without a very specific research progression). Water needs to be drawn from wells. Perhaps the fertile areas could be very fertile though, growing food at a much faster rate.

Advantages are that there's very little natural cover for raiders to use for themselves as they approach. Other than that, there's no real advantages or disadvantages, just a completely different style of play required for this type of map.

btw sorry for bringing back this thread, but it seemed interesting enough to revive, rather than make a new one on the same topic.


Hmm, I like the suggestions so far. The Arid environment could very easily wipe you out right at the beginning though, if you aren't careful.

Another couple of ideas I've been toying around with-

Hallucinogenic Atmosphere: The atmosphere of this planet contains a hallucinogenix substance, causing some interesting side effects in your colonists.
Effect: Sprites in the game are randomised with other in game sprites (ie: switch raiders with boomrats). Alternately, and if the resources are available, potentially add certain sprites exclusive to this anomaly.

Truly Isolated: When your ship broke up, it turns out you were already wildly off course. This planet isn't just in the middle of nowhere, it's 20 miles north of nowhere.
Effect: No trade ships or people will pass by during your playthrough. This will be offset either by an increase in survivors at the start or by having other escape pods from your ship crash periodically. The resources required to get off the planet will have to scavenged from the wreckage of your ship as it rains down from the planet. Due to the isolated nature of this planet, no raids will occur either. (This idea might be better suited as a storyteller)