Mod Faction Relations Mechanic - Possible?

Started by Famous Shoes, March 06, 2015, 10:51:17 AM

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Famous Shoes

I'd an idea for, I think, improving the mid and late game play for those wishing to treat enemy wounded and not sell them into slavery or keep an infinitely increasing pool of POWs. But, I don't think it can be done because Faction and its ilk are not used via interfaces and are without virtuals. Still, I thought I'd throw it out here in case anyone has any ideas for how it could be jury-rigged or maybe thought of variations that are implementable.

Political Capital: a number much like good will. Instead of affecting relations with other factions directly, good deeds (e.g., applying medicine, releasing POWs) increase political capital. Political capital can then be spent at the comms console in place of silver to improve relations with the faction the capital accumulated for. Or not. This way, enemy wounded can be treated and released without leading to the tedious scenario where the only raiders are two flavors of mechs. A longer term goal would be to replace the use of goodwill with political capital when calling for aid, but that'd be gravvy.

So, hypothetically speaking (if this stuff were overridable),  the change would be to add PoliticalCapital to FactionRelation and add PoliticalCapital as an option to Silver in OfferGiftOptions. Then, override AffectGoodWillWith to increase capital instead of goodwill and move the guts of AffectGoodWillWith to another method that can be called directly by OfferGiftOptions to actually affect the goodwill rather than the political capital. Obviously one could be far more elegant about it, especially if one were willing to alter the current signature of AffectGoodWillWith, but this would be a quick and mod-compatible approach.

And, it can't be done that way. Any other ideas?