WW1 Trenches

Started by snarkknark98, August 01, 2016, 01:41:59 PM

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Is it just me that want to stay in the semi modern era with only sandbags, barbed wire (maybe coming soon), mortars, machine guns and bolt action rifles at your disposal against raiders?
But I have the problem with raiders with grenades that just throw one  infront of my sandbags and everyone die, I know the trenches were really terrible but I just want some cover for my colonists  :'(  :D


You have the same problem when grenades fall into the trench ... actually an even bigger problem as it would be harder to climb out of a trench, when a grenade falls into it, than getting away from sandbags when a grenade falls behind one ;)
(actualy throwing hand grenades into enemy trenches was a rather common tactic in the trench warfare of WW1)


That's true  :) But if you build your trenches a zickzack manner (that was also a common practice in WW1) (No smartassness intended) then only one section and a portion of colonists would die.


True ... although I for my part prefer to save everyone, by just moving them away as soon as a grenade flies info their direction :)

But AFAIK there even was a mod that had trenches ... Amory Mod IIRC ... but I don't know if this has been updated for Alpha 14


It's standard practice to include grenade traps in trenches and foxholes. Basically just a deeper gutter on one side that you can kick a grenade into where it's less likely to kill you. It's not a perfect defense, but an enemy throwing a grenade into your trench isn't necessarily a death sentence.


That's true, plus I think they should add real life penalties to those being in the trenches if it has been there a longer time period of time through the elements such as trenchfoot and trench fever. Thus not making trenches too overpowered and a bit risky to be in :)