More Faction Types (Classical, Medieval, Industrial, etc)

Started by DNK, March 12, 2015, 05:29:31 PM

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Seems like there's 3:
contemporary to settlers
space pirates

I'd love to see Roman legions at the gates one day, crusaders the next, a WWI division the third, maybe a mechwarrior army another day.

This is one of those areas of the game that could use a lot of expansion, but so far I've seen maybe one mod (Vikings) and nothing official.


From what I remember reading somewhere, Tyran wants there to be multiple worlds with different techs ages.  There was be Glitterworlds, Urbworlds (Criminal infested), Stone aged worlds, medieval worlds, and even worlds with no humans at all.  This is much much more on the idea of what and who could be out there, so if he does stick to his plan, it's susceptible to change, we'll see more beyond tribes and pirates.  Just remember this is just Alpha and I'm sure his focus is on the colony content rather than other worlds right now.


I'd like to think that there are more colonies than just your own of survivors.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░─╤▌██ |
                           TO WAR WE GO


According to the lore, which is fairly commonsensical on this point, most worlds will tend to have cycles of dark ages (after civilizational collapse or destruction) and renaissances. There is nothing about the rimworld that's unique except for its distance to other worlds.

As such, it's perfectly reasonable that one would land on a world like what we had in the medieval era, or the classical era, the pre-modern or modern eras. Of course, none of these eras would be exactly like Earth's eras.

Commonsense would dictate that most worlds would be dominated by one type of civilization, but even relatively highly advanced worlds would likely have lower-tech civilizations (e.i. early modern tech in 1800's Europe and late medieval-style civilisations in West Africa and undiscovered tribes in South America).
Pirates, however, seem to be newcomers to the Rimworld, or else remnants of long-lost civilizations that kept isolated from the natives, and can show up on any planet (except one policed by highly advanced civilizations?).

For gameplay reasons, it's probably quite unlikely that Tynan will have us crashland on "modern" type worlds or later, with billions of people, since... well... If heretofore unknown aliens crashlanded on Earth, we'd probably notice and start investigating. It'd make for a very short game if a major superpower decided to put your colonists in a top secret lab.

I have faith that Tynan will probably add medieval civilizations, and I expect pre-medieval and pre-modern civilizations might show up too, but I don't think it's a high priority - They'd be quite work-intensive but require little of the basic gameplay mechanics to be significantly altered. This means, as a game developer, it makes sense to add these later on, when the game is running and basic elements have been balanced and you have time to add new graphics, names, stories, weapons, etc.


Quote from: Keychan on March 12, 2015, 05:35:55 PM
From what I remember reading somewhere, Tyran wants there to be multiple worlds with different techs ages.  There was be Glitterworlds, Urbworlds (Criminal infested), Stone aged worlds, medieval worlds, and even worlds with no humans at all.  This is much much more on the idea of what and who could be out there, so if he does stick to his plan, it's susceptible to change, we'll see more beyond tribes and pirates.  Just remember this is just Alpha and I'm sure his focus is on the colony content rather than other worlds right now.


The major challenge would be new tilesets.

Glitterworlds would definitely be out, however even Urbworlds and Midworlds present challenges for trying to escape (be mindful, with present technology we're barely capable of breaking orbit).

However, I think it would be easier to introduce Toxic, Marble, and Medieval worlds. Those wouldn't require much in the way of new assets.


Pretty sure there's a Medieval faction in the works in the mod forum. There's also an existing Viking faction, apparently.


Note I'm not asking for the worlds to be different (though that's nice, okay, I'd like it), just the different factions you meet/fight/befriend to be. I always have: tribe, tribe, tribe, midworld, space pirates, mechanoids, animals, the end.

I really just want to fight legionaries  :D