some objects look blurry while others dont, help!

Started by Ganimedes, March 12, 2015, 08:27:49 PM

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so i was trying the crash landing mod and i noticed that some of the grafics looked a little bit blurry. i don't know what is causing it because i didn't change my settings and also tried to play the game without the mod and everything looked the same. dont know if has anything to do but i also installed directx 9.
other mods:
expanded prostetics and organ engineering         

this is a picture of how it looks like, some things look fine, like the muffalo,
but others like the medicine and the claim button don't :(
this is a new colony without the mods, i also tried to change the resolution but nothing....

[attachment deleted due to age]


I've run into this before. You have some program attempting to force Anti-Aliasing with everything.
Background programs like the "AMD Control centre" or whatever it is that NVidia uses does this, You'll need to find what program is doing it and go into there and set anti-aliasing to "Use program settings"
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Yes, I had this happen with AMD when playing Minecraft (at least the menu stuff).

I think it doesn't play nice with some games/apps when you use Morphological Filtering. Could have been edge-detect or adaptive sampling though as I don't entirely remember.



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