[1.3.0] Hospitality

Started by Orion, March 13, 2015, 11:19:16 AM

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I have several race mods installed (zabrak, twilek and asari) and I had both caravans and visitos of each race come and leave without any issues so far.


Hospitality normaly doesn't change anything to traders , only to visitors.
Even when it maybe don't belong to this mod, post an error log when you got caravan's don't want leave.
Hugslib share logs prefered, because that also include the modlist.


1.0.3 - 03.11.2018
- Fix: Compatibility with Job Splitter (thanks Alex TD)
- Fix: Finally added update message for 1.0
- Fix: Visitors leaving immediately without error
- Update: German translations (thanks to rw-chaos)


Excuse me if I'm asking a stupid question, but the description says that you need to make a guest area, and that it is made the same way as an animal area, so I made a area, but I cannot find way to make it the guest area anywhere...


Just create a zone you want that your guest should wander arounds.
Select a guest, select Guest Tab, select the zone you created before.
Maybe click at "Make as default" so all futher coming guests use that zone too.


Lots and lots of errors of these type: https://pastebin.com/f6u3tPWs

Currently my log is at 700+ errors of this type.


As far as I can tell this is a bug of Psychology, triggered by Hospitality. I don't think I can fix it from my end, though.


Found an exploit - you can gift guests stuff beyond their max mass carrying capacity and they drop most of it, when leaving. Unless its a weird conflict or something.


Yeah they should call their family so they can pickup that stuff ! :-)
It isn't the same when you visit your parents, you came with a minicar and when you depart you need a truck ? :-)


Hm. Isn't it a mod that enforced carry limits?


If it is, its probably Pick Up and Haul, i dont' have anything else, that has anything to do with inventory and carrying capacity. It doesn't change the amount you can carry, but it probably does add that limit, so one pawn can't pick up whole map or something...


Normaly pickup&haul don't let pickup more then they can carry.
You could order them to pickup the whole map, but they would stop after they reached their limit.


Its supposed to only work for colonists, but as far as i know guests are more or less colonists, just without possibility of direct control. Can't imagine anything else making them drop stuff on leaving.


Yeah that must be it. Sorry. Can't really do much about that.
