This will make you see the game in a WHOLE NEW WAY...

Started by Quasarrgames, March 19, 2015, 09:37:53 PM

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Playing this game...

wait for it...

 like eating spicy food! At least it seems that way. You eat it, burn your mouth, drink some water, and then go back to eating the spicy food, because it has a certain tastiness and allure that you can't get away from.
The game is similar because you play it, feel sad that the colony you nurtured and worked for has crumbled, go play something else, and then go back to playing this game because it has a similar strange allure and tastiness.
Consequently, i don't really like spicy food, and i've never been able to wrap my head around this "losing is fun" concept.

Just a random thing i came across. Sorry for making you scroll so much, i thought it would add drama. Oh well...
On the right path, but the wrong medication.

I like how there's a thing that displays how long you've logged in to the forums. It shows just how many hours you've spent here, never to get back...


First game (A7) well this sucks ... oh fuck squirrel

Second game (A7) kill all animals... check.
"no animals are going to get me. gonna cook ya and eat ya, no animals going to get me" (singing) butcher all ... on. cook all ... on. why are you stressed? cooked cannibal? eaten human?

Minstrel start (A7) no haul??? no grow??? no clean??? your abrasive, whats does that do?
bloody Minstrels

First game (A8) ok, temperature looking good.. expanding the base *winter arrives* oh fuck why is it so cold... ok burn the wood. fuck no more wood...

First game (A9) i am ready. shit is that vomit? that is vomit, why is there vomit? Food poisoning? what the hell food poisoning? oh right dodgy potatos (rare planted potatos since :3)
Second game (A9) ok, start with big room (since found that 15x15 room is perfect) everything inside before it rots ... few  hours go by ... when will Edb interface update :"(
Yes another god damn youtuber.



Drinking water when eating a bit of spicy food is generally a bad idea ... better drink milk ... Capsaicine is unsoluble in water, so all you do (by drinking water after a spicy bite) is distributing the capsaicine in your oral cavity ... thereby turning the pain from a local one to one that spans your whole mouth :D
Milk is a better idea (as Capsaicine is fat soluble)