[Request] Trader Expansion

Started by Slowtapus, March 21, 2015, 01:35:01 AM

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Hey all. I have an idea and a rough idea about how to do it. The shimmy of it is a building that, when constructed, will cause the trader event to refire any time there is no active trader. It would be fairly expensive and perhaps even need silver to be used.

I'm sure there are many ways one could expand this idea. Research and extra hoops to let you choose the trader, requesting a specific item, all the way to allowing you to launch colonists off in a ship and have them become their own trader with an inventory you can roughly pick based on the number of colonists you sent up. One that will visit you more frequently or can be called to you. Perhaps even allowing you to put items in the ship to start them off and those will be the items they acquire and trade in. So plenty of concepts.


There is a long range trading beacon in Clutter mod, it uses a ton of power, and does not always get you trader, but its nice :)