Poor, poor Manny, we'll always remember you....

Started by AllenWL, March 24, 2015, 01:08:26 AM

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My colony was in the middle of winter, and we where low on food. The meat we stored ran out days ago, as did our potatoes, we where barely surviving on hare meat-nutrient paste.
I had the Better than Sentry Guns mod, and I used up the last of my seeds, so I had no crops to plant either.

All my colonists where in various states of starvation, and we had no traders coming. So I made a choice. Manny was a recent arrival, she came on a escape pod, and we nursed her back to health. She was a spoiled child, and didn't know how to do much of anything. I sent her out into the bitter cold, with nothing for warmth, and watched as she slowly succumbed to the cold and died. As  I was about to chop her up for food, a bulks good trader arrived with a shipment of agave, saving our colony for starvation. Manny was sliced up, and eaten with agave in a fancy meal.

And I thought that was it, I cried(ok... not really) for Manny, who could have lived if she hung on for just one more day, and we got back to business. Much later, I needed more cash, so I decided to make some statues to sell. So Gizmo, our sculpter went to work.

And this was the sculpture he made.

I must admit I felt slightly guilty when I saw this, so I installed this in the kitchen, so Manny's death would never be forgotten.

The description reads: On this piece is a representation of Wurst 'Manny' Speeent being killed in a cowardly, halfhearted way on Oct. 12. 5500.
The sun is setting behind them in a symbolic echo of the event. The whole image is depicted by the careful arrangement of hundreds of pheasants. The image seems to express triumph.


^ Someone needs to draw that one, seriously!  Also, poor Manny.  :(



I assume the triumph comes from having food in the face of starvation?

@AllenWL, please re-post this over at the Real-life depictions of sculptures thread.  Maybe someone will draw it!  :D