Massive Collection of RimWorld videos over 100 videos and over 26hrs of gameplay

Started by christonian, October 04, 2013, 10:03:41 AM

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I gotta admit that Christonian is the best "Lets Play RimWorld" youtuber...


I've been watching every single one!  Makes me want to play even more


Yea, I've been following pretty closely too, Christonian. Keep up the good work.

Great Wyrm

Definitely a fun series to watch, and so many too! I look forward to each episode.


Dammit, every day two vidz, the wait is killing me :D

I hold my breath hoping for the best to christonian's colonists ...

Discords Chaos

Need moars!

Also you seem to have really bad luck with randy random haha.


thanks for all the comments and the support

lol yes randy random was supposedly easier but maybe that changed in 225

Just posting that we are now officially past 25 Videos and onto Colony 6


Just a update on my end with a great game

We are now 8 colonies in. Videos for 2 separate builds everyday. One survival the other Phoebe with 20+ colonists

Playlist is at 40 videos and 9hrs of gameplay…

Cant wait till everyone can play it is definitely worth the wait everyone, even if you have to wait another 2 Weeks just means Ty can fit more great stuff/refine and fix bugs into the release build



I am back after honeymoon, christmas break and sickness to kickass for another year, bring on 2014

C9 Ep 26



Quote from: christonian on February 21, 2014, 02:01:40 PM
Massive Collection of RimWorld videos over 100 videos and over 26hrs of gameplay

In case you see this, you inspired me to get RimWorld, play my heart out on it, and put it on youtube. :)


Wow thanks alot this always means tons for me. when I see posts like this it is usually I give inspiration to buy a game but too make videos too and expand your channel and the RimWorld community in general just WOW

thanks your comment made my day