Newbie questions and suggestions to add to the wiki?

Started by Havan_IronOak, March 29, 2015, 10:43:57 PM

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Do they go here or elsewhere?

So far...

1) I'd like to know if food in nutrient paste hoppers spoil. There's nothing in the wiki about spoilage. Perhaps Nutrient Paste should be harvested and storable over longer periods of time than freshly prepared meals.

2) Is there a way to name or rename Storage areas?  I've got 12 storage areas set up and it would be nice to see that my colonist is hauling to Vegetable Prep Bin rather than just Storage area 12.

3) Is there some type of circuit breaker in the game? I've resorted to building several separate power circuits in the game so that a catastrophic failure doesn't drain ALL my batteries at once. It would still be nice to allow power to be generated in one section and fed to another though...

4) Butchering? Nowhere that I can find does it tell me which Task Priority governs butchering.

5) X for forbidden objects? Why is that reversed for hunting game? There a Red X designates the animals identified for hunting.


1) Food in hoppers does spoil unless refrigerated.
2) As of now there is not.
3) Yes, it is called a "power switch"(in the most recent alpha.)
4) Butchering is classified under the cooking skill.
5) The "X" is in a different place on the item as well as being a different shade of red.  Learn to differentiate.



Thanks for those.

6) Is there a log for what needs to be incorporated into the wiki?

7) Is there a bug in the stone cutting table? There seems to be only 1 order that you can place. Other tables (like the stove) accept multiple orders. It might be nice to place one for each type of stone that you'd like.


I usually cook food, by the time you can build a freezer you can probably cook food.

Though I do admit I wish there was a way to store Nutreint Paste. Even though the food does spoil what was it? Rice? Lasts like 25 days. Which should be longer than what the paste holder needs to get empty IMO.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░─╤▌██ |
                           TO WAR WE GO


1) Yes, unless the room is refrigerated.
2) Yes. Select stockpile and click "Rename" button
3) Not an automatic one, though there is a switch that will toggle power to a circuit.
4) Cooking
5) Hunting designations are likely just a red version of the green "cut plants" designation
6) So, like an unfinished wiki wiki? No. ;D
7) I've had no issue posting multiple bills to the stonecutter's table. You're likely doing something wrong.
<insert witty signature here>


Thanks for your reply Monkfish.  Don't know why you picked that moniker but there was a restaurant in St. Petersburg Florida that turned me on to Monkfish.  They said that they're one of the ugliest of fishes raw but when prepared right, they taste like lobster at half the cost and half the cholesterol. :)

But that aside...

Thanks on
2) My not understanding how to rename stockpiles was a true Homer Simpson Doh! moment.
3) Found it! Thanks.
4) Yep I learned that it was cooking and updated the Wiki slightly to suggest that more clearly.
7) I still am having trouble getting stone cutting to work the way that I want. I think the problem is that the "do until" limit doesn't differentiate between the types of blocks. I've got huge supplies of Slate chunks and Slate blocks but I can't seem to get my craftsman to make limestone blocks though I've got a LOT of limestone chunks near the table. Maybe the problem is that the slate chunk storage area is a bit nearer. I'm gonna try moving it.