An article on save scumming

Started by RemingtonRyder, March 08, 2015, 11:04:42 PM

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One of the commenters mentions Rimworld. The article itself is mostly about Football Manager.

Justin C

I never save scum. For me, seeing a bunch of my small mistakes add up to spectacular failure is extremely satisfying. Even when it pisses me off, I absolutely love games that do that to me.

But I also played Eve Online for 7 years, so maybe I'm just a masochist.


I sometimes catch myself at save scumming, mostly because of losing my favorite colonist because of a dumb accident. I don't think that getting buried under collapsing roofs because I forgot to make a no-roof zone is a appropriate death for a real hero of the colony, so I reload a save. If colonists die in a fight or something like that I don't have a problem with it, because they died in dignity.


I save-scum responsibly. If I make a mistake or some loss happens due to consequence, then I take the hit.

If it's over some straight bullshit, I'll scum with the quickness.


I save scum all the time.
Usually to prevent colony death.
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I think something worth considering though is that with Rimworld, you can use the debug menu to create scenarios which will test your defences and colonists. Then you can reload and make some changes in case you ever find yourself in that situation later in the game. I wouldn't call that scumming. But, then again, being presented with a relatively new situation with high stakes is sort of half the fun.


I actually found the easy destroy crash ship part bug by doing debug stuff. Just crash a roof and the ship zips outta existance. Still works but roofs usually don't form on top anymore
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I generally play and get up to go be a dad and stuff. I have used the saving when stuff gets outta hand, too many times I get up for a minute...which turns to an hour or 2, sometimes it goes well other..

Followed by a re-load.


I've never saved scummed Rimworld (or Dwarf Fortress, for that matter), but I've save scummed the heck out of Angband/Zangband/Moria. Not so much these days, but when I was much younger I'd do it all the time.

Maybe as I've grown old(er) I've learned to live with decisions and play, good or bad. In fact, that came up today while playing Rimworld. Alas... poor guy.


At first, I was thinking of scum in the river, but as the story went on the word 'football' caught my attention for the most part. While it can be fun achieving high numbers, you need to look out for what's ahead of you.  ;)

Have you scored the right time? That's what I wanna know.


i save scum when i test stuff and i save scum when i decide I'm gonna be done for the night, save, then proceed to make a massacre involving many colonists and a board teenager making them all kill each other


I try not to, but I do it occasionally, like when my colonist walks in front of my hunter and loses his remaining lung.

I also do it accidentally when I press on the wrong save.