Mod Idea - Revival

Started by tmo97, April 04, 2015, 04:45:16 PM

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Okay, here goes, I have no idea how to mod this, but I think it might be a really good idea since it hasn't been done before (at least to the extent of my knowledge) and I haven't found any mods that do anything of the sorts.

It's a simple concept, not sure if it can be done, but I don't see why not: Revival.

Let's say you have a colonist with whom you have a created a sentimental bond with. Don't deny it, I know some of you guys are huge nerds. As am I, so there's no point in further conversation about that subject. But I digress. He/she dies. You're sad, and you're thinking "Damn, if I had paused at that moment, then this would've happened and..." etcetera; the first thing you think after that is "is there any way to get them back to life?"

Sadly, there is not. Maybe with modding skills, there can be a way :D

So, I don't want to portray myself as lazy, but I am currently trying to figure out how to mod the basic stuff, but until then this might be a better option.