Visitor Rally Point

Started by KEBW1144, April 12, 2015, 08:54:03 AM

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I have been enjoying the new release and have noticed that the visitors seem to be congregating right in front of my turrent guns at my base. I have had the problem in the past however it seems to be kind of hit or miss as to where the visitors seem to hang around. Needless to say the poor saps continue to try and catch my turrents spent amunition with their faces much to the detriment of their health. Perhaps the visitors should hangout around any gather points you have set?? Or something else to make sure they stop trying to come between my guns and their targets.



Nonsense! You want them all in front of your guns. In fact, if I had the option, I'd stick them ALL in front of my guns so I can collect all that tasty visitorite. ;)