[Mod Request] Reproductive

Started by TunaKaan, April 14, 2015, 02:37:02 PM

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Like İ Say At The Subject

Reproductive Female And Male Colonist Having A Sexual Relationship And Having Baby's And They Are
Growing Up And Becoming A Another Colonist İ Dont Now İts Possible To Do But İf İts İts Will Be Great

(Sorry For Bad English Not Main Language :-\ )


Its certainly been requested before and the community seems divided on the idea. Personally, I think it could be an interesting gameplay mechanic, especially with older colonies.

However, they'd need to really revamp the mechanics of "fun", social activities, and implement a solid relationships system. That being said, if Dwarf Fortress can do it (and it's a cool mechanic) why can't Rimworld do it better?
Lets Crashland Here Simulator!