Unroofed requirements different in alpha 10?

Started by Mystic, April 15, 2015, 11:49:05 PM

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I tried to apply an "Add No Roof Region" to a pair of squares that were labeled as having a "thin rock roof".  In A9 this would have given me an "Unroofed" region (which I'd then use as ventilation for A/C systems), but in A10 the region is still marked as "Indoors" afterwards.  Has something changed in how an area is designated as "unroofed"?


The add no roof region only removes constructed roofs and prevents roofs from being built to remove the thin rock roof you have to mine deeper to cause it to disappear.
Life is Strange


Seems to be a bug in A10

Have anyone found a temporary workaround for this?
So far I have tried:

  • Mortors
  • Exploding turrets
  • Tool: Explosion (bomb)
  • Tool: Lightning strike
  • Tool: Destory
  • Tool: 5000 damage
  • Building tall building underneath
  • Def edit
  • Save file edit.

The only way I have found is to use Tool: Clear area 21x21 and mining out more, but both options remove abit more of the terrain then I would like.

Goo Poni

Rock roofs of both types (thin and mountain) will collapse if no support is within 5 tiles (even unconnected supports). Remove nearby support and incorporate the added space into your builds.


if you turn the roof area into a room then apply the "no roof area" it will remove the thin roof


Quote from: leax256 on April 25, 2015, 10:42:47 AM
if you turn the roof area into a room then apply the "no roof area" it will remove the thin roof

Yeah, that is whow it nomally works, but because of this bug it doesn't.
That is why I'm asking if anyone have found a workaround we can use untill the next version of the game.


Quote from: qwe85 on April 25, 2015, 11:41:50 AM
Quote from: leax256 on April 25, 2015, 10:42:47 AM
if you turn the roof area into a room then apply the "no roof area" it will remove the thin roof

Yeah, that is whow it nomally works, but because of this bug it doesn't.
That is why I'm asking if anyone have found a workaround we can use untill the next version of the game.

yea, i just found out this happens now. might not be a bug...could just be a new feature