[W|0.10.778] Sneakey Plants pretending to Rest

Started by Jaxxa, April 15, 2015, 07:46:04 PM

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TLDR; looks to me like you are missing a test for "if (this.Resting)" in Plant.TickRare(). That is causing plants to keep growing at night (with sun lights) while saying that they are resting on the InspectString.
I was looking into updating my Plants24H mod and so was looking through the code for what has changed in Rimworld.plant. I noticed that there is now a "private bool Resting" that is being tested for in the inspect string, but I could not see where the test was being done in the tick event. I fired up the game and it looks like it is not being tested for and so plants can keep growing.

1. Start new game
2. Designate a growing zone (I used Potatoes) and have people plant there.
3. Build and Power a sunLamp in the growing Zone
4. At night the description of the potatoes will say resting, but the growing % will continue to count up. if they are in range of the
Sun Lamp

At point 4 I would have expected the % grown to remain constant.

Admittedly this is what I wanted to do in my mod, but in the base game this is a bug (unless you have changed what resting means.)


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog