Increasing population

Started by Wraithbourn, April 16, 2015, 11:50:52 PM

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Is there any other way to increase your population besides taking prisoners?
   I remember reading on the main about page for the game that you would get migrations and things like that as well, but in all my time playing since about alpha 4 or 5, I have never had anybody migrate willingly to my colonies.
   I've always had to capture them and then "persuade" them to stay by keeping them locked up till they agree to join me. (a bit communist if you ask me!)
   It would be really nice to get occasional migrations of people from other settlements, and even better, if you could offer guests passing through incentives to stay peacefully (like give them silver, or a very nice room with so much beauty or amenities)  or when a group from somewhere is visiting, if you have a nice enough base that impresses them mabey some will ask if they can stay and join you instead (mabey this would drop your relationship a little if accepted). 

Also,  on the same subject, was playing a new game on the latest build, and had a pod crash with a survivor.  I chose to rescue them instead of arrest them, so they were taken to a medical bed, and then once they were all healed up, they just left.  Would be nice for somebody to be homeless to decide to stay once you assist them instead of having to capture them and then brainwash them into joining you, really where else is somebody crashing off the ship going to go anyway?

It would just be nice to see some other options to increase population.  My currently colony I didn't take anybody with some social skill, and it's really hamstringing me.  Would be nice to have some other options, as at this point I can't do much to increase my population unless a slave trader shows up (hasn't happened yet this game), and that's pretty hit or miss anyway.

Thanks and love the game!  Keep up the great work!


In one game w/ randy random I had 5 wanderers join me... it was awesome


If you don't mind mods, there is one where you can basically 'convince' say visitors from other factions to drop their current faction and join yours.


Quote from: Beathrus on April 17, 2015, 01:12:39 AM
If you don't mind mods, there is one where you can basically 'convince' say visitors from other factions to drop their current faction and join yours.

Awsome, I'll pick this one up,  Hopefully it gets updated to alpha 10 soon.  Just what i was looking for.  Hopefully some of these really useful utility mods eventually get rolled into the core game.


a quick followup - i tried to load up this mod just to see if it would work with A10 and it does not unfortunatly, the author will have to update something as every time i tried to load it, it would hang up at the main screen.  So until then..