cramped enviroment

Started by Demoulius, April 17, 2015, 09:45:24 PM

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HI, ive got a question. I talked to some of my friends who got the game and they told me a 5x4 room with a bed and some other small things is big enough that people dont got the "cramped enviroment" debuff when theyre in their room. I dont think they played alpha 10 yet but I started on it and I keep getting the debuff, even with only a bed and a heater in the room :/

Is this a bug or does this debuff also take into account the area around their bedrooms? The wallways are only 1 space in width so that might cause it....


one tile wide hall ways will most definitely give you cramped space debuff. A 5x5 room is large enough to avoid the cramped environment.


5x4 was big enough for my colonies in A9, but it seems that formula has been adjusted in A10. I've started using 6x6 rooms, since spacious interior now applies while they're sleeping and they spend more time in their rooms doing "things" anyway.


Ah, sad to hear that :( il take it into account for my next colony. Thanks for the info.

Oh and about the hallways, how big should they be to avoid my guys having the cramped debuff while walking there?


I think they should be 3 tiles wide.


I find 2 wide hallways avoids the cramp debuff.   I use 5x6 rooms in A10c.


Quote from: TLHeart on April 18, 2015, 12:12:03 PM
I find 2 wide hallways avoids the cramp debuff.   I use 5x6 rooms in A10c.

I haven't played 10c yet, but in 10b, I use 5x6 with royal beds and they get the debuff except when at the foot of the beds. I hope this is fixed in 10c.

2 wide hallways have been fine.


at first I noticed the de-buff on someone sorta randomly during sleep time, so i started watching more carefully.  if he went to his room for private time before bed, it was small enough to trigger the de-buff.  once he hit the sack, the de-buff persisted.  if he just went to the room and got immediately into bed, the de-buff never got put on him.  Not sure if thats working as intended.


I've found hallways that are 3 wide and bedrooms which are 5x6 work best when trying to avoid the "cramped Environment" debuff.


I just got the debuff on a guy playing chess in the recreational room. Which is 13x5 0o

I do have some big furniture in there, a pool table, long table with 8 chairs 2 lamps, 2 stools and chessboard. Does the debuff depend on available floor space?


Yeah something has changed in A10. As I'm used to do, I gave all my colonists their 5x4 rooms and then I realised it's now too small for them >< And I had no space to expand the rooms.

edit: I think rooms that are bigger then 5x4 look even more empty. Some more usable stuff to fill the room with would be nice, like a wardrobe maybe. Or an armchair for a pawn to relax with a book during joy time.
Sure I can add a table and some chairs, but there is no point in them.


Quote from: Demoulius on April 20, 2015, 12:10:36 AMDoes the debuff depend on available floor space?

I think there need to be 30 moveable tiles in the room in order for it not to be cramped.


Quote from: Snownova on April 20, 2015, 12:33:44 AM
Quote from: Demoulius on April 20, 2015, 12:10:36 AMDoes the debuff depend on available floor space?

I think there need to be 30 moveable tiles in the room in order for it not to be cramped.

That's the real problem.  Hopefully they change the formula in the future so that you don't have to have huge empty rooms in order to get the bonus.  With 10f I'm not getting any bonus from having 5x6 rooms.  Not sure if it's because of mods that are conflicting or not.  I'm getting neither getting a buff nor a debuff in my rooms.


I did some heavy testing (A11c) of the Cramped Environment debuff last night. What made everything clear was realizing the fact that the debuff is not updated during sleep at all and that it takes a short while for it to update, so if you have a colonist sleeping in a big room, they might still have the Cramped Environment debuff even though the room is not cramped. On the plus side, colonist mood doesn't change at all while they sleep, so it doesn't matter that they have the debuff. (Suggestion to dev: Do make it update when they go to sleep so it isn't so very confusing!)

I had a 5x5 room with one 1x3 workbench, one heater, and one double-bed, which together add up to 3+1+4 = 8 non-empty spaces, which leaves 17 empty spaces in the room. As soon as I added one flower pot or a wall in the room, the room became cramped again. When I removed that block, it wasn't cramped anymore. A colonist that came into the room from a cramped corridor and went straight to bed sometimes still retained the Cramped Environment debuff while sleeping, but lost it as soon as they woke up. Adding a vent to one of the walls while having 17 empty spaces did not make the room cramped.

I did another test in a long narrow corridor that opened into an empty space with no doors. Colonists in the corridor far away from the empty space had the debuff, but as they got close to the location where the corridor opened to the empty space, they lost the debuff. This makes it obvious that the debuff is based on empty spaces near the colonist, rather than on empty spaces in the room that the colonist is in.

So, in summary:

  • 17 empty spaces near a colonist is enough to get rid of the Cramped Environment debuff (where 'near' is approximately a distance of 4-5 tiles).
  • Beds, flower pots, and work benches (and most likely pretty much everything else) do not count as empty space for the debuff (chunks might count as empty, but I forgot to check).
  • It takes a moment for the debuff to update while a colonist moves; it won't appear instantly upon entering a cramped space or disappear instantly when leaving a cramped space.
  • The debuff does not update while a colonist is asleep; if you want to know if a room is cramped, wake the colonist up first by drafting them and wait for a few seconds.

Knowing this, you could probably make 2x2 sized bedrooms, where a colonist will be cramped, but since they'll always be asleep while inside the room, it won't actually matter. However, I'm fairly certain that colonists can only pray or meditate inside of their own bedrooms, so having too small rooms will give them the debuff while doing those activities.


Looking forward to the upcoming room valuation system so this stuff is less nebulous voodoo.