[W|0.10.783] Starving pawns ignore fire in home zone.

Started by paulme, April 22, 2015, 01:13:26 AM

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Version Found - 0.10.783

Title - Starving pawns ignore fire in home zone.

Found the missing bit that allows a repro.

Summary - A boomrat went agro, and started attacking my colony.  I sent a near useless pawn to melee it.  Boomrat went died setting wooden front of colony on fire.  All pawns (who were starving) ignored the fire as though it wasn't there and wend about other actions (like cleaning).  All pawns are fire fighters.  As soon as a pawn was able to eat something, it immediately went to fight the fire.

Steps to Reproduce -
1. Setup a house of wood.
2. Set pawns to starving, by using -20% tool a few times on each.
3. Set a fire on the house.
4. Watch pawns ordered to extinguish the fire, only put out part they were told to put out, and go back to whatever they were doing (like cleaning).
5. Fiddle…

Expected Results - Pawn should put out the fires without direction (even when starving).

Actual Results - Pawns seem to ignore the fire as though it wasn't there.  Repairing things burned, and walking through the fire.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Thanks very much for the great report. Fixed now.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog