What are the actual planned features coming up?

Started by ice22warrior, November 28, 2013, 02:27:24 AM

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I just wanted to know if Tynan or Semmy could say what other things are actually planned to be put in. I comb through the suggested thread to try and find if any of the proposals has been agreed to.

Edit: I just went back to the suggestions and saw a thread like this ;-( sorry but this thread is not actually suggesting anything just asking if there is a planned list of possible features confirmed by Tynan.


Some things that are planned for sure.
I am at work now so i dont got the to-do list that tynan did share with me.

- Cooking
- Roofing (player decides where roofs will be)
- Audio (Tynan is working on this now)
- Modding system. (i posted a picture of that system not so long ago.)
- Balancing to combat/turrets.

That is what i know out of the top of my head. Ow and no known date at this moment for the next version.
Ow and just to be clear. What i post here isnt 100% sure. It is just stuff tynan talked about and showed within to-do lists.
These lists may be out of date already or stuff might have been shuffled around.
Stuff might have gotten deleted or added.

Only tynan knows d-;
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke