Prothesis recycling

Started by W1n5t0n, April 29, 2015, 08:16:38 AM

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Hi everybody!

I'm happily playing RimWorld, when suddenly a raid now 2 people are dead...not that i care THAT much, but I invested in protheses (a lot!)  ;D

Is there a way to implement the recycling of worn protheses? Seems logical, for that a wooden limb can be used by many different persons, even after their death(s)...
And maybe a wearout of those used ones?

IMHO the deactivation of the Operations-Tap is correct, because nobody wants a lung from a dead man ;)

Greeting W1n5t0n


In vanilla? No. Only using developer mode (just add limbs that colonist had and delete some medkits). I'm looking for mod that will allow to do it, too.


I would also love to be able to retrieve those prosthetic.

So far I haven't been able to make as much money as I once did (WITHOUT selling slave or human meat) and I don't think that many raider have prosthetic (normal or bionic) so I think it would be fair to be able to retrieve them.
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"Sam Starfall left your colony with all your valuable"
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i agree that you should be able to remove dead peoples prostetics. except bionic brain as it would be fried or dead.
[it would contain the persons memories and other skills and data]
i think they would come with a built in fry mechanism on death to keep from memory theft. ive seen ghost in the shell o.o


Ummm yeah! +1

I thought that we could do this in Alpha 9? Maybe I'm mistaken?


Quote from: starryknight64 on May 07, 2015, 11:59:58 AM
Ummm yeah! +1

I thought that we could do this in Alpha 9? Maybe I'm mistaken?

you can remove bionics from the living, but not from the dead.


We should be able to harvest organs and everything from the dead depending on how fresh they are. That would save so much time waiting to a trading to have the right limbs and organs. What if you could play Frankenstein as long as you had all the limbs and a bionic brain or something? That may be taking it a bit far, but it would be an interesting way to get new colonists.


Prosthetic limbs yes, organs and natural limbs, I'm not so sure.  Realistically, the body starts decaying immediately upon death.  Most natural parts are useless within minutes.