MMO, huge open worl ect

Started by killer117, May 02, 2015, 11:55:29 AM

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Hey ludeon/ everyone else. I was thinking about rimworld at one point and i thought, the game ends with building a spaceship and flying off right. Well, what if it didnt. What if u built ur own spaceship, crewed it with the people u get off ur starting planet, and fly it round the galaxy, visiting glitterworlds and modern worlds and of course other rimworlds, fighting pirates off ur ship, trying to keep everyone fed, the ship full of oxygen, and ur enemies from blasting u out of the cosmos. U can go to astroid belts and send your guys out to mine them, and go to planets to trade, steal, raid or just to relax for a bit. And i mean i love rimworld, its an amazing game. Just now my heads full of all the posabilitys that this game has. Just imagine doing this huge open galaxy, then dumping mulitiple players in it, to work together. To compete for the best gear, or just to kick the crap out of each other. It would be amazing. Tell us what u all think cause i just love the idea.
Whats Rimworld without a little cannabilism/ murder/ maniacs/ crazy tribes/ nasty pirates/ nutcase animals/ genocidal robots etc.


That seems like a few years of development work there.



Tynan just added pretty much everything you mentioned in Alpha 11!!


Not like eve. I mean like just my ship spawns in like black areas, im not piloting it, just clicking dots on a map and flying it round the galaxy, telling it where to land and go, but not like third/ first person flying it
Whats Rimworld without a little cannabilism/ murder/ maniacs/ crazy tribes/ nasty pirates/ nutcase animals/ genocidal robots etc.