[A17] Vegetable Garden [8/22/17]

Started by dismar, May 07, 2015, 10:52:34 AM

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Quote from: Adalah217 on December 22, 2016, 02:47:20 PM
Quote from: dismar on December 22, 2016, 11:42:09 AM
Yeah ill have to check the recipes. Those all should be off by default thanks.

Awesome thanks! After playing around for awhile, I've noted a few bugs/balance fixes you may or may not want to implement. They're fairly easy to do.

  • Salted meat doesn't count as food on a caravan. People will starve if they carry just salted meat in the world map.
  • Cotton fiber doesn't deteriorate. I'd argue it should, given wood and components can, although probably only at a slow rate (1/day).
  • The mass of resource plants are several times higher than the resource they melt down into. Given steel is 0.50kg, and it takes 4 steel shrooms to make 1 steel, the weight of the leaves should be around 0.20kg IMO (not an even 1/4, and still slightly higher). They are currently 1kg each. Same sort of logic should be applied to all resource leaves.
  • Salt's weight should be halved or more, to around 0.50kg, to allow for an interesting dynamic of being a useful trade resource which can be carried from the desert to other climates.
  • Cigarillos' weight should be around the same as smokeleaf joints (0.01kg). Cigarillo's are currently 1.00kg each.
  • Crates should weigh around 15kg, rather than the current 25kg. Given each drink weighs 0.15kg, and it takes 75 drinks to make a crate (0.15kg*75 = 11.25kg), it wouldn't make sense to crate anything if it adds so much additional weight.
  • Coconut halves weight as much as coconuts. The new weight should be roughly half.
  • Aloe weighs 1kg each. They should be roughly 0.35kg or less, given herbal medicine weigh that amount. It'd be cool if you made them very lightweight (0.10kg) to allow for the new potential of carrying aloe rather than medicine on long hauls where weight counts.

A do want to throw in a new idea: add a new balancing feature where some fruits and veggies weigh more than others. It might be preferable to grow berries rather than pumpkins or eggplants to take on long journeys simply because pumpkins weigh so much. It's something to think about in the long run, and almost certainly not an easy fix to do.

Thanks for all this, if your bored you can figure out all the mass of things. It's easy to change just takes a lot of my time to figure out the numbers.


5.3a was uploaded. Some big bugs fixed. A few new arts. And is save game safe. Enjoy!

I am going to be working on the recipe errors over the weekend. I wanted to fix those large bugs tonight.

Thanks for all the feedback


Quote from: dismar on December 22, 2016, 09:40:47 PM
5.3a was uploaded. Some big bugs fixed. A few new arts. And is save game safe. Enjoy!

I am going to be working on the recipe errors over the weekend. I wanted to fix those large bugs tonight.

Thanks for all the feedback

Awesome!!! I'll give it a shot.

Quote from: dismar on December 22, 2016, 09:39:08 PM
Thanks for all this, if your bored you can figure out all the mass of things. It's easy to change just takes a lot of my time to figure out the numbers.

A more comprehensive list may or may not be made ;D ; wasn't sure if you were open to the idea of a re-balance to the weights, or if you felt it was fair as is.


WOW. Thank you for those new sprite images. They look amazing.


Does coffee still behaves as alcohol in the 5.3a version? i haven't installed A16 yet.


For some reason coffee withdrawal is listed as an alcohol withdrawal in the needs screen while traveling, but iirc it still acts as caffeine should and when in the zoomed in view it is more properly called caffeine withdrawal.


Quote from: Trigon on December 23, 2016, 05:05:58 PM
For some reason coffee withdrawal is listed as an alcohol withdrawal in the needs screen while traveling, but iirc it still acts as caffeine should and when in the zoomed in view it is more properly called caffeine withdrawal.
Might want to tone it down, very very addictive, and a big impact on the mood for a very long time.


I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature lol

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]


I'm having a serious problem where my colonists won't eat the carrots, or any other vegetable from the mod, without me manually forcing each colonist to consume them. I also attempted to cook simple meals with them, and while the details for the bill say that carrots are allowed, I cannot make anyone cook as the game says that it needs materials, meaning that... the carrots don't count, I guess? They are frozen, not rotten.

EDIT: I checked, and my colonists were not in a restricted area. The vegetables weren't outside of restricted area or what have you. Colonists were set to unrestricted, vegetables were in my stockpile zone... totally accessible.


Pawns won't seek salt out, I don't think, but animals will. I managed to survive for a while off of salt while waiting for crops to come in for my famine-stricken extreme desert colony, which was kind of silly. Had to manually order pawns to eat it, though.


Garden 5.3b released.
Salt is not really food and pawns should not seek it out. It has a very minor Nutrition value (0.0001) for recipe balance.
-Recipes name changes
-Bug meat changes reflect vanilla
-bamboo recipe added to chemfuel.
-neutroamine recipe updated and bulk recipe added.
-Cloth and Fiber adjustments
-Red lentils and Salted meat count as food (caravans)
-Carrots tweaked

-Guide pictures added to steam
-Recipe names changes

-Work to build tags updated
-canned foods fixed

- New art for nymph flower and mushroom
- Minor mass changes


Dried fruits seem to have *more* mass than their inputs.
17 units of Figs with a total mass of 0.51kg dry out to 10 units of Dried Fruit with a total mass of 3.5kg.

I am not an XML expert, but it looks like the mass is assigned not to the specific item 'driedfruit' in file 'Items_meals' but to the parent 'Thing Def ParentName "VG_MealBase" as defined in file Def_Bases

As foods are further processed to increase energy density for travel they should actually get more dense.

Is this something that should be fixed on the author side?


density has an implicit VOLUME or bulk in it's definition, but drying fruit irl reduces both the bulk and mass by the reduction of the moisture in the fruit


I have not had the time to fully put mass into my mod yet. Most are basic values.


So I understand I need to research advanced cooking. The problem is that it isn't in my research tab at all.