[1.0] [PROJECT] Hardcore SK project v7: Sunrise

Started by skyarkhangel, May 10, 2015, 11:40:32 PM

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How you relate for the full removing automatic turrets?

Positive. It's realistic. Fight with killboxes continues.
Negative. Make a button to kill all enemies in one click.


I recently started playing this in A17.  No other mods.
I'm finding that if I modify stockpile settings at all no one will haul anything to the stockpile.  It's a problem b/c it means I can't make a freezer.
Is anyone else encountering this issue? 


Quote from: kenmtraveller on June 21, 2017, 02:13:23 PM
I recently started playing this in A17.  No other mods.
I'm finding that if I modify stockpile settings at all no one will haul anything to the stockpile.  It's a problem b/c it means I can't make a freezer.
Is anyone else encountering this issue?

I forget, but check to make sure if HcSK contains the "allow fresh" tag, that is not included in vanilla. When you do a clear all, it clears both the "allow rotten" and "allow fresh" and if you only check the food checkmarks from there you will not get anything except for things that do not go bad, just things like insect jelly.

Hopefully that is your issue!


oh wow, I bet that is it.  I'll check tonight when I can play again.  Thank you!


Since the last patch(a few mins ago) when i cook food, it uses 1 potato and 1 meat to make a fine meat and not 10 potatoes and 10 meat xD


wtf you done to terminators, one advanced one just killed 8 of my colonists armed with assault rifles, after he sponged several hundreds of bullets. I remember them tough and problematic to deal with but now its just pure comedy and best part is that their efficiency is only going down with firearms, because I tried to flank him and when he found no cover he just went right to my colonists behind sandbags and walls and killed them all in melee in seconds


with the last update, its not longer possible to craft ammonition @the ammo work bench. I  made a new one, but still cant do et.


Quote from: Hargut on June 22, 2017, 06:47:50 AM
with the last update, its not longer possible to craft ammonition @the ammo work bench. I  made a new one, but still cant do et.

That what I need to report!!

I can't craft ammo also


Quote from: Geroj on June 22, 2017, 03:27:32 AM
wtf you done to terminators, one advanced one just killed 8 of my colonists armed with assault rifles, after he sponged several hundreds of bullets. I remember them tough and problematic to deal with but now its just pure comedy and best part is that their efficiency is only going down with firearms, because I tried to flank him and when he found no cover he just went right to my colonists behind sandbags and walls and killed them all in melee in seconds
You should search this topic about terminators, there are serveral tactics.
But at short, you should have an own terminator and the enemy terminatos are stupid, they allways attack the closest target. Just be sure your own terminator is well covered close to them, before you flank them.


uncraftable ammo bug noted we get it fixed as soon as we can

ammo crafting is now fixed

meals now use nutrition for food ammount instead of a specifiic number. it might be high or low currently it will be adjusted as we do a balance pass


Did the mod under the work table that alowed us to be more specific about what order they do thing, like putting cutting stone at 4 but making wood plank could be at 3, is gone ?


Hey Guys,

Can anyone tell me how to delete a specific deposit of minerals? I know you have do go to some xml file and delete it from there but Im not sure where to find it anymore.


How to get own terminator? Before I could at least deconstruct them and get some metal from them and now they are just useless rotting body


You can't capture or reactivate downed terminatos. You can butcher them.
But before you got the first terminator visit, there should be an terminator event. An terminator from the future appear and ask you to join your colony.
At A16 this event only appear so long you don't own a terminator and each colony. You just could settle a 2. colony and wait for the termiator to get a another one.

If you got terminator attack, and don't got an own terminator, then there is something wrong and the dev team will investigate into it.


i didnt notice problem, T800 or T1000 always ask me join to colony before skynet raid .


I've come back to the mod from a very long A14 game.

The no-components trouble start is retourning? I haven't got any, and no ship chunk drops any of them. Only mechanism, steel bars and wires.